aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Stalker Haven: 18+

  1. ghettoe
    natch: i dont understand why i write it better than i speak it but it just happens to be that way. handball!!! ... handball is as interesting as smoking a pancake. i'd rather even play basketball when it comes to hand sports. someone stole the concept of basketball, put people in a mini football field and told them to play and called it handball. lol i guess its because everyone calles a "dick" a shaft, so hearing "cock" can be a breath of fresh air *wow this sounds kind of dirty*
  2. Nachtwind
    @ghettoe: Nuuuuuu! >< .......I guess I even prefer basketball above football, but handball is still the best! Nothing of the rest can keep up with that speed! It's a tough sport, I totally love it! *sighs happily* and no matter what you say, it'll always be #1
    And how is reading 'cock' a breath of fresh air? Seriously, either I end up in the wrong fics or....*shakes head* Actually I feel like everyone is using cock and dick. And there are other ways to avoid 'cock' than using 'shaft' *grins* since I don't like to use it, I know all the tricks around it^^
  3. ghettoe
    natch aka guten (perfect nickname for you): can you naame one author that hasnt used shaft? too many stories with shaft! for me football is still no 1. i've never once even thought of doing handball nor even developed an interest in it though i once caught a game on tv and i somehow couldnt stop watching. i wish more people would just call it 'cock' and 'dick' or call it nipple instead of "bud". oh another one is 'rod' that was used quite abit too. i started with it but along the way i got "shaft" syndrome.

    returning to commas, i hate using them but when i read other people's work i cant help but flinch at the misuse of commas.
    "The place still remained serene, as though we were waiting to see the God of Doom, but each time, those who had met their agents always leave later on with a smile intact."

    that sentence makes me want to scream. i'm itching to correct it but i wont. Blame my monsters teacher for this
  4. Nachtwind
    @ghettoe: long wait for the reply? *looks at date* good things take their time! *winks*
    anyway: Then tell me ONE author who hasn't used 'cock' or 'dick' if he is willing to avoid 'shaft'. I think there are about two groups: the ones who are willing to use 'cock' and the ones who don't. But all in all there isn't much variety of vocabulary in either of the groups^^
    (though I can proudly say I have NEVER used the word 'bud' neither 'rod'(which I think sounds weird^^) but that still won't make me ever call it 'cock' inside my fic....I can read fics that use 'cock' but writing it would kill my mood I think *wrinkles nose*)

    Ewwwk.......although most of the time I can't even tell if a comma is necessary or not *lol* So I guess sentences like that can't freak me out^^
  5. ghettoe
    guten: i take back that comment because it actually depends on who's writing it. some people use 'cock' and it sounds seriously vulgar and fake others use it and its *nosebleed* also the liking the vulgar sex depends on who's writing it. i actually wish you'd tell me one author who hasn't used shaft. i dont think hayley has used cock (i could be wrong) i havent seen you use cock either. another one i forgot to mention is member dear lord that word is over used
    actually here is a list of over used words
    digit (when i saw this i was like wow way to be original; until i read some other stories and was like okay maybe not.)
    ps. are you sure you havent used bud?? i'm pretty sure you didnt call it nipple.
  6. Nachtwind
    @ghettoe: *chuckles* You see there IS only limited vocabulary to call certain things if you don't want to come up with some ridiculous words, although I sometimes cheat around it by just describing motions without actually mentioning the organ.
    (*grins* right, I use to call it nub IF i do mention it. I mean, playing with nipples all in good fun and all --- but it's not THE end of all things. There are so many other things to turn someone on I often find myself leaving them out *lol* and I definately didn't use 'bud' XD)

    And I cannot help but find the word cock somehow...*shrugs* taste *mutters* I will always prefer if someone manages to avoid calling it 'cock' or 'dick', although I know there are some authors who write awesome, smutty stories and I can read their sex scenes without minding the word all too much. They don't use it in a vulgar way, but I still prefer the words you get tired off
    And who doesn't use shaft? answer: those who use cock. I've read alot of stories where authors completely rely on cock and dick. Not mentioning member or shaft one time
    so I think this is totally a thing that applies to both sides.
    In my feeling (this might just happen to be my bad luck^^) I think there exist more stories in which it's called cock rather than member of shaft. *shrugs*
  7. ghettoe
    guten: *laughs* I guess there is limited vocabulary; personally i use 'cock' though as i mentioned before i got shaft syndrome and started using it, but everytime I use shaft I feel like it isn't my writing style.
    I guess you are really against 'cock', I'm finding the use of shaft becoming a clich&#233; though i dont think people should stop using it. I just want to get out of the pattern of using it myself.
  8. Nachtwind
    @ghettoe: Understandable. Though in my opinion getting out of the pattern hasn't got to do anything with the usage of vocabulary (only). I even say that the vocabulary is the smaller part, the whole descriptions equal each other alot sometimes and I like it when someone brings in some unique trait into his fic and sex scenes. Vocabulary aside -- that is what is important to me anyway.
    (trying to fall not into patterns -not even my own- and hoping it works although I guess no one can ever say 100&#37; to be able to avoid patterns^^)
  9. CrisNoWait
    Loveusender!! I been reading and writing, sorry to be MIA for so long, I guess all my projects are catching up with me...*sigh* I hope things will be easier at the end of Feb...If anyone is feeling generous the Secret Santa thread really need writers, avy/siggy artist to please lend a hand.. some Aarin perv out there really wants a smexy story. There are so many wishes and not nearly enough ppl able to help, so please if you have some talent PM me for more details, I'll give you ice cream XD!! and Cookies...
    On a lighter note, anyone stalking Chronic C..^^ dam I'm wondering what this Sherer person really does for a living.
    Alain TOPS!!!! like firm butter, what a way to describe ass plowing...lol!
  10. CrisNoWait
    A ****ing WAR! what is Alain thinking I cant watch, but know I will, gods, yaoi and guns....
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