aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Stalker Haven: 18+

  1. Nachtwind
    @ghettoe: *laughs* I'm no better^^ I always prod/pester/bug/demand/threaten/plead/trade to get updates although usually I'm pretty slow myself
    And I know what you mean >___> Hard to go back to water if you tasted the sweetest wine *dramatic sigh**hugs hayley's fics*
  2. ghettoe
    natch: i still havent found one so i decided to read another hayley fic though its her short story. argh my throat is on fire
    ps. never stand outside in winter when its snowing and your only wearing a sweatshirt the result is

    all: i was asked this question by someone so i thought it would be funny to ask would you read yaoi if the characters were ugly, fat men? or would yaoi interest you if it was that way?
  3. Nachtwind
    @ghettoe: a sweatshirt ONLY?! Good god, give the girl some underwear and if we're sharing winter-sayings: never eat yellow snow.

    anyway, concerning the question: I am currently reading a fic (Touch of Magic) where the main character looks less than average and above all seriously is what society would probably call a loser^^ and I am still in love with that fic ^___^
    but ugly, fat man would be something different, I don't think I would read it, simply because the fics on aarin evolve too much around the sex-scenes, most of them alot more than around love. If I'm in a mood for something sexy I admit that fat men would totally kill my mood to read it.

    That has nothing to do with yaoi; I wouldn't read a hot romance between a hetero couple with those attributes either.

    I don't say they always have to be the hottest guys in town. I really like stories that don't include those hunks but totally average, ordinary guys, even if they do have several flaws in appearance -- but not if it's too extreme.
    In other stories yes, but not if I'm in a mood for some hot romance.
  4. ghettoe
    natch: rofl, lol about how you answered the question! but i do agree with you.
    ps. did your writing style change somehow. i was reading exorcism and thinking it seemed somewhat different (in a goodway)
  5. Nachtwind
    @ghettoe: >_____________> *lol* I might be improving still? *hahahahahaha* But that's a good sign, right? I don't know which parts you're talking about or if you mean grammar and sentence structure in general (*lol* commas are my arch enemies in english XD In german we have COMPLETELY different rules and use them really alot. In english there are alot less...so when I'm not sure I leave it out. XD)
    The only thing I changed on purpose is paying more attention again to the settings and all.
    hm......can't give you a reason since the only time I use english is here (no school or anything anymore^^) Maybe it's my german writing style leaking *shrugs* I really don't know XD

    about the question: But it's true! it doesn't depend on yaoi or not. It's a general thing *cough* and I don't think it's bad to be superficial FOR ONCE. XD
  6. ghettoe
    natch: If commas are your arch enemies, then my relationship with commas is to the point where i want them kicked out of grammar. every essay i write there is always a comment about commas. when i think im using it right my teacher says im not. So one of my essays i didnt use commas and went up 10% and was thinking maybe this is my problem.
    i envy you for speaking german. i am inlove with germany especially their men's football team. michael ballack

    ps. it is okay to be superficial!
  7. Nachtwind
    @ghettoe: *hahahahaha* Yea! I always leave out commas when I'm not sure! (did it in my school exams too and always ended up with better grades when I simply ignored them *lol*)
    Awww and german isn't such a beautiful language in my opinion, I like french and spanish alot better just by the sound
    *laughs* Ohhhhh the german football team...I admit I only watch football because of them *lol* (now THAT is superficial, eh? )
  8. ghettoe
    natch: im trying to learn french in school, im okay at it i write it better than i speak it though. i would love to speak german! im honestly a german football fanatic i can recount every game of theirs i've watced (main games not qualifiers) started in 2002 with oliver kahn. he blew me away. you absolutely cant be superficial when it comes to football! *shakes finger* its a beautiful sport heck i love it as much as i love yaoi!! speak it, live it, breathe it,play it! sorry i went into football mode for a second there though i agree it sometimes doesnt hurt to admire the beauties that come with the sport

    *random comment* i just realised in writing, i tend to prefer the rough type of vulgar smex to description to the elegant calling a d*ck a shaft type! i also noticed i started doing it! i need to stop getting influenced by other authors *sips coke like an old man
  9. Nachtwind
    @ghettoe: Seriously?! I always speak better than I write -- hell, I haaate commas, grammar and ....basically everything. Hate learning the rules of a language, but as soon as I can speak it I fall in love *lol*
    *laughs* football isn't my type of sport, you know what's 10 times better?! HANDBALL!
    It's faster, tougher and just so much cooler XD

    about the random comment: *lol* totally the opposite of me! I DO love rough sexscenes now and all, reading and writing; but still, I highly prefer 'member' or 'shaft' above cock and dick
  10. loveusender
    how have things been guys/gals ? did everyone else abandon this group and refuses to post comments? c'mon ppl, we cannot give up our stalker sides .. and where is our leader *looks for ChrisNoWait*--wonder's where she is.. *runs away* see you later *goes to look for more smutilicious stories*
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