aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Stalker Haven: 18+

  1. Shivakigirl
  2. andora
    HAPPY NEW YEAR!May all your wishes come true!
  3. Nachtwind
    @ghettoe: *laughs* I think I got enough nicknames on here, but feel free to invent more XD (*cough* and some of them do soooo not fit *glares at Shiva*)

  4. Rosette89
    @ Nacht -- *shoves Raven at you* there you go *gringrin* <3

    Happy New Year everyone. Even though its an hour since it turned over from the first to the second of 2009

    @ ghettoe -- if you're behing then I think I'm waaaaaaaaaaay ahead *laughs*
  5. Shivakigirl
    Naughty: Pfft! It`s the perfect name for you... Ask Grim and the boys, they`ve all got bite bruises on their hipbones
  6. DarkSacrifice
    Happy new year!!! ..XD *cough* though I am too lateXDXDXD
  7. ghettoe
    natch: then i guess you dont mind S.P, i see exorcism has gained some votes in the polls. stupid me forgot to nominate heartblood. i just realised when i was voting and was like wheres heartblood.
    rosette: lol where do you reside?
    all: have you started voting yet? for me the polls sucked because the stories i intended to vote for were in the same poll!
  8. Nachtwind
    @Rose: Thank you! *cuddles her Raven* and you updated! I was going all nyahhhhhh *lol* when Rory stretched and yawned and curled up like a grumpy little kitten. He is so cute! *hides*

    @Shiva: >______> Not ALL of them...those who are the ones biting don't, right? And just because my boys are naughty doesn't mean I am.......*eyes shift**cough*

    @ghettoe: *laughs* It's fine with me^^ I got the weirdest nicknames already^^ *blushes* Thank you for wanting to vote for heartblood, although it's not possible *giggles* But I'm nominated two times already, third time definately not necessary XD
  9. Shivakigirl
    ghettoe: But you could vote for several in the same poll... after that, let others decide.
    (your name sound like "g&#226;teau" (cake), and I might just end up calling you that)

    Naughty: I got the impression that the marks were made by a German set of teeth...
  10. Nachtwind
    @Shiva: .................................................. ...........*COUGH*
    Okay Okay Okay, you totally got me >__> If I didn't bite them, I'm sure someone else would *grins and nudges your side* I can guess what you're doing since Efren and Rain are in your care^^
    Ohhhhhhh!!! And while we're at it! (*random, topic: sexy men*) Kyran! *grins* Love the update! (*lol* yes, Hunting too, but now I'm speaking of at arm's length^^)
    *hihihhihi* the cleanliness is sweet......ohhhh...winter is coming closer and Kyran is a human who already feels cold in summerrrr....he'll need to share bodyheat~
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