aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Stalker Haven: 18+

  1. ghettoe
    lol chris on the subject of marlon i'm working on my last chapter of crystal hospital.
    ps. i cant just pm a writer and tell them their English sucks and they should seriously consider asking someone to edit for them, dude thats just downright mean, funny but mean. *shakes finger*
  2. Nachtwind
    @ghettoe: Yes!*dreamy sigh* Hunting IS to die for. I honestly think it's hay's best story so far ^____^ *hahahaha* I guess I can bear a certain amount of sweetness. I won't drop a fic when someone cofesses love. But it can't be the main atmosphere. >< (Hugh Jackman! Though I like Richard Armitage better *lol* I dunno why I always compare those two^^)

    @Cris:Thanks for the link ^____^ I joined though I don't think I'll ever publish my yaoi-stuff

    @Dark: *lol* ask hayley if I'm stalking someone and she'll start hiding behind you^^ The answer is hell yes! Several *lol* Hayley mostly, Mirai and Rosette, ceaseallfeeling (*lol* I pester her in her profile for updates every two days, but I'm allowed to XD) and Blue_Star
    Hahahahahaha you and your russian obsession *laughs*

    @cham: *eeeps* I didn't read the evil c-word >__> *cuddles*
    XD I know I can never compete with native speakers or writing style in english (I often notice when I know I would write a scene totally differently in german, it's really funny when you know exactly how you want it, but aren't able to transfer it into english language >___> *grumbles*) *lol* Guess plot and characters have to make up for it *shrugs*
  3. andora
    @Shiva: i know!the grammar in ASS was awful!i could barely read it as well,but nevertheless i didn't give it up i still think the story is cute.although i'm very picky about things like correct writing too.
    oh you know what i forgot to nominate guys?Brother's Bane!i simply love that story!!!pitty it hasn't been updated for a long time now.are there any fans of it here?
  4. ghettoe
    andora, im with you on that one i must admit the grammar was horrible though i'd read to much to give it up, i didnt like the fluffy bits but i tolerated them, though damn the grammar was just *seals lips*

    nacht: i can understand why you pester casualfeeling for those updates i totally love hidden orion is just lovable and felix and parker are just wow.

    i found another thing i dont like, reincarnations seriously if someone died keep it that way but fluff is just no 1. most hated i honestly dont understand how people do it. to me it sounds so cheesy it could melt! but i agree some of it can be sweet
  5. Shivakigirl
    andora: yes, Brother`s Bane was a great story... but like many, if the author doesn`t update regularly, we forget about them. I find it very frustrating. Some stories, I really liked them, but they were never finished... oh well!
    ASS was TERRIBLE! Could not even finish one chapter!
    Fluff? I like fluff, but not in every story. It also depends how it`s written.
    hayley_beth24 is #1
    but for style, I would choose Archangel_of_Pain, she writes beautifully!
  6. ghettoe
    shiva- i'm with you on authors not updating for a long time though i have that habit. im also with you on archangel. i love silent dance, the story is amazing and i like the way its original. Everyone always does angels, demons or vampires but she took a different route. i cant stand fluff i tried reading soubibeloved's just send flowers and the more i read the more i felt chills and goosebumps. it felt like someone had fed me bananas it was just tooo sweet (i really hate bananas). the strange thing is i can eat sugar by itself i take coffee with like 5 spoons of sugar but i cant eat bananas because they are too sweet! okay enough about sweetness.
    chris: i wonder if its good that this is a public group the way we keep berating authors and their stories, personally i dont mind people pointing out faults about my story but it would kinda suck to come here and here someone say "crystal hospital was just TERRIBLE! could not even finish one chapter!" i must confess about ASS i didnt finish it though i tried to get as far as i could, though as i previously confessed i've probably finished like 4 stories, two i forced myself to finish, the other two were awesome (carnalli and stalker chronicles (by the way chris did you ever finish that? because i think its still in the wip section)
  7. DarkSacrifice
    @Shiva: Omg Archangel Is amazing"!!!! she .....omg....have you read Labyrinth of sin? and the sequel????
    Woooaww...Omg I loved that story....and some other too with a assassin guy and ....WOOWOWOWO She really owns....
    and I hate fluff -.-xD
    And some stories begin like this and I'm like OMG LEAVE ME ALONE!!!XD: He embraced his sweet love, he stroked his skin gently to not hurt him, 'I love you' he spoke as he watched his beloved, fearing that he would reject him right away.
    Mip () looked at him,suprised, 'oh my love, I love you too'
    blablablaXDXD omg I hate those kinda stories! and you know what??XD
    they really do exist like that XDXD

    @Nacht: omgXD really??? it really sounds weird...master = staling someone....really weirdXDXD
    but anyways are their stories fluff?? or wooohooo torture etc.????
    Can you give me a link to the best story so far??? pls:P
  8. Shivakigirl
    ghettoe: I`m sorry if what I said about the ASS story shocked you. I know this author is not a member of this group, that`s why I said it. I never commented on that story. Why go and put the story down... Though, if you put your story on a public forum, you should be ready for any kind of comments. And since the subject was on that story, I posted my opinion. It`s funny how people can write about rape, incest, violence and get great reviews, but when you say something negative, people jump. I`m writing a Hunting The Prophet fanfic and I started posting it, and I expect that it will not please everyone. I`m ready for criticism. I`m also French speaking, but I understand that, if I post a story on a public forum, I have to make sure it`s legible. That`s why I have kanaesono edit my work. I think it`s a lack of respect to readers to do otherwise.
    It`s ok if you don`t like fluff. But I can read anything, except gratuous violence.

    Dark: Archangel is really good! She`s got a real talent. I also loved her story called Breakdown. Have you read it?
    Your imitation of a fluffy story was really funny! You make me feel bad for liking them
  9. ghettoe
    shiva- your comment didnt shock me it made me laugh my arse off, it was so straight forward! i must say there are quite alot of aarin authors who really should ask for editors
    darkS- your examples are totally on point but theres no worse fluff than one where one of the characters is a francofile and everything is mon cherie, mon amour, je t'aime, je promets le ciel, le monde... and cheesy stuff like that, THAT **** SERIOUSLY DOES NOT SOUND SEXY! when i read that stuff i have to search for a gory story before my head explodes.
    PS. sorry for the bad french im just a learner mais je parle un peu
  10. Nachtwind
    @ghettoe: Yes! Hidden is awesome! Cease's fics are those I can always read, because they are relatively light, but still have plot and the whole timeline is always happening fast, so it's easy to stay on track ^____^ I like Hidden and Moonstruck the best (Although I have to say Felix DID change pretty fast once they were out, but I guess he just has a thing for Parker and I love their conversations now, Parker actually teasing him to be slow and so on XD)
    [And I agree: Maybe this group shouldn't be public. I held back alot because it is, because I really don't want to offend anyone and I think everyone should respect the authors that are posting here. I myself have no problem if someone dislikes my stories or complains about my lack of englishskills, but especially newbies or people who haven't got the confidence of an author might feel offended and take it really personally. And they didn't get the chance to defend themselves, so I think it's a good idea to make this group not-public. Or everyone should take a little bit more care of his choice of words )

    @Dark: ..............question: I don't think you read Hunting the Prophet, right? Start with it! I nominated it for fic of the year and will definately vote for it ^___^
    It's one of the best I've ever read and I read alot on here ^____^ (So far I have only found very few that can keep up to it. For example, I started Archangel's fic, but for my taste, her characters are too...shallow. I guess I'm picky. Hayley's stories are incredible well thought out. ( I know she has worked out the WHOLE plotline with every detail before -sure, there might be changes while writing- but she plans really good and it makes the plotline absolutely intriguing) Plus: Hayley's style is so damn well written and nice to read. And the biggest plus: Her characters; after all THEY make the whole story. You should totally read it ^__________^
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