aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Stalker Haven: 18+

  1. chamorrican56
    @Nacht: *giggles and pets ur head as u lay down* i know love, you just sounded like my grandmother because one day she tried to say a sentence and kept stumbling at a word so she got fed up and starting curing at english in her native tongue *giggles at the memory* but for someone who has english as a second language , you are much better than me at it at its my first! XP
  2. ghettoe
    chris i totally get what you mean about authors being too descriptive and i agree if the story doesnt get my interest in the first few chapters i leave it, although i tried forcing myself to read others to see if it gets any better but they never do. i also dont like the type that feels forced as in have you ever read something that you feel the author is trying to hard but i must admit nothing makes me drop a story quicker than fluff.
  3. Nachtwind
    @cham: Oh dear, I can picture that! Must have been hilarious. ..........>____> And english can be one hell of a big fat meanie. Gets me furious when I can't write the way I'm used just because of lack of vocabulary mostly XDDD
  4. Nachtwind
    nothing makes me drop a story quicker than fluff.

    That could SO be my line
    (the very ONE AND ONLY exception is hayley_beth24's stories; they aren't fluff, mostly action, drama and angst, but she sometimes has these fluffy elements. The only fluff I read^^)
  5. ghettoe
    i love hayley beths stories especially hunting the profet (TO DIE FOR) Some people should give warning about fluff, because i feel guilty for the amount of stories i've given up with fluff
  6. CrisNoWait
    i am getting some great reviews from you ppl! XD!
    @natcht hahaha when i get home i'll link you!=3

    @ghetto yup! The master at short detailed writing is Nitasha! Woot! She is wonderful! I dont feel like i'm reading forever, and the action/angst/dark fic magic is Hell Yeah!! You too ghettoe your writing is masterful, (it how i am trying to grow) I use to hate fluff, now Willow is a fiction godess i plan to read more of her work! she has the wonderful talent of creating stories that are fluff but not fluffy (i dont feel like i'm reading a chick fic) xD! So many great styles on aarin the only kind i avoid are the one w/poor english to the point i need to "figure out" each sentence..then some advanced writer do that too. When i read those i wonder who the **** is the writer's audience?
  7. DarkSacrifice
    @Nacht: hihi, foolish games *sigh* I really have an...russian obsession....and ...the story and all...it really is ....waaaw you know?
    haha Hugh Jackman is on tv he is sooo cuteXD with his TamTam's...
    But anyways byebye STALKERS!! ...huh wait a minute.....this thing is for stalkers nacht.....are you stalking someone >??????
  8. ghettoe
    chris ur comment made me laugh (though i laugh at things that arent really funny) especially the poor english, im like reading five w.i.p with poor english and everytime i just want to ask the author if i can be their editor, but i grit my teeth and bear it

    darkS: hugh jackman is so hot he was voted sexiest male of 2008 i think by people mag
  9. chamorrican56
    *giggles and huggles nacht* oh ur too cute, and i know what you mean about other languages being mean i.i the only reason i dont speak to my grandmother in her native tongue is because the sentence structures are soooooo different then english , and i think in english!! *giggles* but you do very very well regardless
  10. CrisNoWait
    >Writers Group< This the writers group I mentioned, I got some updates to finish before I can invest my time properly. XD! But guys that want to become published, stalk the group and see if its right for you.

    @Ghettoe Me too, but I laugh at stuff thats really funny, like the image of you >.< lol! I can just see Marlon all over you! Doing the obvious hoping no one noticed only to have Everyone point it out you should PM the writer if you really have time. That way you don't need to "put it out there" that you are beta-ing <_< i don't think that is a ****ing word. Oh Hell see ya folks...
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