aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The Yaoi Guerrilla of UK

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    I miss pub o'clock - I never go out to the pub anymores >.<
    I think I'm over the worst of the hybrid - still feel really tired but other than that its all good I only need to get through this week at work then I'm off on holiday for a week, course I've got nothing planned I just wanted a week off to goof and do nothing but job hunt ^^
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    Clocks go back today/ tomorrow I dont remember what time it actually is ... I've been drinking and enjoying it ^^ I went to a Halloween Party tonight
    I'm dressed as a vampire and I stole/ may have been given bagels ... I'm not quite sure but I have bagels, they look nice. My hair feels solid I may have over did the hair spray trying to get a 'Vamp' Quiff going ... but it lasted the night and me dancing the Time Warp - Its a jump to the left, then a step to the Right
    And I was the ONLY one to remember the Macarena Dance ... I'm old apparently, but they all copied me and I had a good night potential bagel stealing aside
    Although I'm afraid to go to sleep cause I have a feeling I am going to get a hangover tomorrow ... If I dont sleep then I wont wake up feeling sick - right? Some guy kept buying everyone vodka jelly shots, and I may have drank my own and 6 other peoples share of them, I dont know why but it seemed like the thing to do, course mixing them with beer and cider may not have been the best of idea's in hindsight - but I've learned to avoid wine, shows I'm growing up I KNOW my limits and I dont drink wine anymore - I do bad things on wine. And I'm home safe on my computer ranting about drinking why./

    How are we all in UK land? Love you guys!!!!
  3. Rokuemon
    Oh did the clocks go back? Does that mean I get more sleep or less? I can never work that out. I'm glad my computer, phone and bed side clock change automatically. I was up until late o'clock watching Mark Gatiss's history of horror movies on BBC 4, all 3 parts. Brilliant. Probably better than watching an actual horror movie, although I think I've seen all the good ones. I just had a couple of bottles of cider yesterday, hardly noticed the effect. I don't seem to get falling over drunk any more, I'm glad to say (unlike Someone, who I'm not going to mention again).

    Sounds like you had a mad night sio chan, but payback is a b!tch, ain't it?
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    More sleep - an extra hour in bed - It is the official start of winter today and its pagan New Year Tomorrow I wished my stuff changed automatically I've walked round and manually changed all my clocks and as for payback I actually dont feel too bad all things considered, tired and the fake blood wont wash off so I have a red stain around my mouth but I'm hoping it'll wear off if by tomorrow, otherwise I might be getting some odd looks at work.
    I'm so hungry its unbelivable I've just been eating and napping all day so far ^^
    I wasnt falling down drunk (although I have done in the past - that was the last time I drank wine) but I was feeling quite happy by the end of the night, although clearly I can handle my drink a bit better cause one of my friends who I dont think drank any more than me was shouting instead of talking - its like her internal volume monitor got kicked into overdrive and she ended up yelling at her boyfriend about him losing her keys when he had them in his hand and ended the night by annoucing to the room that he wasnt getting any when they got home ^^
    The BBC 4 history of Horror was great! I only saw the first two episodes but I'm hoping to watch the final one on Iplayer
  5. Rokuemon
    Part 3 covers the zombie and slasher movies, which aren't my favourite kinds of horror, but it also does The Exorcist, The Omen and Rosemary's Baby, which I love. I think think those parts of part 3 and most of part 2 are the best bits. Oh and I love that British actress, Barbara Steele, who was in the Italian horror, and some of the others. Wasn't she brilliant? Imagine having her as your mum.
  6. blonde180246
    Barbara Steele Mario Bava's Black Sunday
    I missed the first part, luckily they were all shown last night but they're repeated on BBC2 starting tonight ... Part 2 held many great memories, growing up watch the Hammer classics. Part 3, the original Exorcist and Omen, they for me are in a whole different league to other horror films of their kind because of the stories of what it took to bring them to the big screen: deaths, accidents, fires, planes struck by lightning ... the curses that surround them makes my skin crawl but it really fascinates me ... glutton for punishment I am
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    There showing both parts of the Millieum Trilogy films next sunday The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo followed by the Girl who played with Fire ... I've booked that day to spend at the cinema Tomorrow I'm going to go see 'We are What We Are' its a Mexican movie about Canabalism - but its not meant to be a Horror, like how Let the Right One in is about Vampire's but not in a paranormal romance/ horror sort of way - its odd I'm looking forward to seeing it?
  8. Jetzt
    I always found it weird that the whole girl with the dragon tattoo trilogy was online like a year before the first film got released in the uk :P
    I haven't heard of "we are what we are" though :o
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    We Are What We are - is really good!! Creepy, weird and disturbing but really good. A bit of an indie movie though, it is showing at the cinema but I'm willing to bet it wont be available for very long
    I would recommend it if you get a chance to watch it and you dont really see them eating anyone but its really violent, they go hunting and then kill and then butcher their 'meat' ready for dinner ... possibly not something to watch if youve just eaten and have a weak stomache but I thought it was pretty powerfull as an art house movie.
    This is all about personal identity and how society functions by feeding off of one another, the breakdown in the ecomomy the break down of the family unit, being redefined .. plus there's a whole longing incest thing going on between the middle brother and sister while the eldest brother is in the closet and for a brief moment I really hoped was going to leave for a nice boyfriend
  10. blonde180246
    I find the cannibalism aspect without the zombies to be the ultimate horror because it's not something created by the imagination. I've seen Hannibal Lector in all his glory but then I've seen the italian cannibal movies and they are the most unsettling of all. I have seen some clever ones out there that have used cannibalism, 'Delicatessen' an example even though that one isn't a horror movie.
    Creepy, weird, disturbing and independently made - I prefer because that's where the gold and the creativity lays ... and with the cannibal element, as long as it's not 'Deodato'-esque, sounds good to me
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