aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The Yaoi Guerrilla of UK

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    I'm making stew ^^ Dont know why I decided to announce that but I am and I thought I would share
    I'm watching Cronos on Film Four its a very odd little film and I think I've figured out whats happening but I maintain a very odd little film
  2. Jetzt
    Yay! Stew! lol....though...that was like 12 hours ago :o

    The stew is probably dead by now :\
  3. blonde180246
    I love Cronos, what a great film ... it's good to get away from the 'norm' and see something strange and weird hehe Del Toro's a good director
  4. Rokuemon
    Mmm, stew. What was in it Sio Chan? Wait a minute, you posted at 1 am, were you actually making stew at 1 am?
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    Yeah - I was making beef and vegtable stew, I started cooking it at about 11.30pm and it takes a couple of hours, I get bored late at night so in between watching Movies and downloading stuff I cook ^^ course its only ever easy to cook things like stew/ soup spagetthi, sometimes I made scones
    Stew is not dead yet jetz still have almost a full pot I thought I'd bring it to work for lunches - something warm and filling comfort food *yum*
    Cronos was a really great film - I enjoyed it, missed the Devils Backbone was showing last night and I ended up missing it >.> Hopefully it'll be on again
  6. blonde180246
    mmmmm I wonder if I should have added Cronos to my festival list
    I'm like you Sio chan, I quite like getting dinner or food late in the night, it doesn't bother me hehe
  7. Rokuemon
    Yikes, Cronos is one of those films I'm not sure if I've seen or not, I watched the trailer and it seems familiar, maybe I only caught part of it on the telly. Look brilliant though, I love anything like this... and I missed it! Just goes to show how my briain works, I was reading a review and I thought it said "Del Toro is both director and waiter". Of course it really said "writer". It's hilarious being me.
  8. Jetzt
    The stew lives! :O:O
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    The stew lives ^^ I'm done to my last portion so that'll be my lunch tomorrow Its not a bad batch all said *yum*
    I eat when I'm hungry or hungry/bored ^^ If I happen to get hungry at 1am then thats when I'll eat for me and blonde eating late
    Director and waiter is a diverse CV ^^ and lets face it the number of people who work a menial labour job for money while they do there 'real' work for their art, its a real possiblity that he was a waiter while applying for Directing opportunities
    I'm loaded with some kind of awfull cold/flu hybrid - possibly Man Flu - I'm feeling sorry for myself and sick as a dog
  10. Rokuemon
    Is it pub o'clock yet? Yes, nearly, and thank Frank it's Friday.
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