aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The Yaoi Guerrilla of UK

  1. blonde180246
    yea yea now it's official, let the d!ck jokes start
  2. abandonwhisper
    Gah i missed out here! Though it looks like we won't be drinking for a while. Happy days. Speaking of which, Nick Clegg has been popular with some of the ladies I know. I mean, srsly, Nick Clegg: 'would you'???
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    How about we drink everytime someone uses the phrase "conversation with the lib dems"? I've heard that almost every half hour from every news cast, politician and election programme (yeah I'm the sad git who watches those things)
    @blonde, yeah I dont know any d!ck jokes >.< other that just pointing at the party leaders pictures of course ... :P elections just bring out the worst in party leaders they all start stooping to name calling and personal attacks on each other its all just really juvenille and I find it really off putting *shrugs*
    @abandonwhisper, speaking as a girl whenever I think of Nick Clegg, no I dont think I would, I dont find politicians attractive its the whole thing where they start out idealistic and end up corrupt power figures (which I WILL admit can be kind of sexy). His wifes very pretty though ^^
  4. abandonwhisper
    @sio - haha I agree, the whole lot are d!ck jokes in themselves. No I personally don't view politicians as sexual beings, just can't, so when I saw that fb group about Clegg I was frankly disturbed for a whole afternoon o.O .
    I'm another sad git who watches those things too . I'm one with sympathy for those squashed against the wall, so yeah I feel for Brown *dodges tomatoes* , but like they say, the man's gotta go... oh well, tis life...pass the drink!
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    I need to sleep and then sleep some more! I'm so tired, I think I'm still exhausted from the 10k on sunday, and I'm working overtime so I'm just wreaked a little bit >.< How are we all?
  6. Kimitom
    Well hello everybody, new here and yours is the first group to catch my attention, and also one in which I can say " Oh god we have a Tory government" and people may understand my dismay
  7. yuumei
    Hello! *waves*
    Hm, i dont know yet, I think labour are just as bad. Lib dems on their own would be best I think ^^
  8. Kimitom
    I did vote Lib dem and they were elected in my hometown. At least Nick Clegg is deputy prime minister lol (does that mean if something happened to Cameron he'd be prime minister?)
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hey!! Kimitom your here too!!! *yay* Glad to have you here as well ^^
    Torie Government in Scotland >.< OMG this may be an old Scottish Prejudice but still ... OMG >.<
    I'm withholding judgement though :P who knows whats going to happen right?

    How are all today? I'm so tired still and I've been eating nothing but junk food and rubbish all week *yum* but I'm feeling a icky cause of it >.<
  10. abandonwhisper
    to kimitom's first post: sentiment understood all too well >_< . I honestly didn't think they were going to become a full coalition, and 4 years at that... Well, power traps are too sweet a lure I suppose.

    I'm happy though XD , despite things, the hand-in for my project is Friday and I'm about done. It's never happened before, I'm just a bit dumbfounded. All this free time, so what do I do? Jump on aarin of-course lol.
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