aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The Yaoi Guerrilla of UK

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    I'll be crawling into that hole right after you my lifes a bit screwed just now. I'm so sorry your feeling down hun! But your right the job market is dead - I've been looking for months and there is nothing going its so unfair that people are accusing you of being lazy, plus its completly untrue! Bad moments happen, theres nothing we can do to stop it or control it we just have to hold on and wait for the good. I'm a big believer in the good - it has to come and we have to do everything we can to enjoy it while it lasts *nods* until then, feel free to talk to me - I might not understand but I can listen
  2. Azen
    ... if you need me ben you know where i am im always ready to talk and listen to problems and help out where i can :hugs:
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    ah another exciting saturday night for sio - sitting at home alone organising her paperwork ... and I'm not even drinking which might make the whole activity more fun but also kinda sad sitting at home drinking alone - which is why I'm not doing it
  4. blonde180246
    Thank you Sio chan & Azen it's hard to remain optimistic when nothing really good comes your way ... I can picture the future I want but it's still a long way away from achieving
    I've sacrificed soo much over the last 4 years to try and get somewhere but something happens and I'm back to square 1 ... and being back on the dole really p!sses me off ... my life really need a reboot
    I know exactly what you mean sio chan, alone again on a saturday night ... a bottle of Barleys in the kitchen but I'm not gonna touch it
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    Happy Election day people in the UK land ^^
  6. blonde180246
    mmm mmmmmm ... Vote for the Bishie Independent Party hehe
  7. yuumei
    Anyone else doing the election night drinking game? ^^
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    I'm watching the Channel 4's alternative election night ^^, with wine does that count as a drinking game? How do you play?
  9. yuumei
    Hehe, of course it does! Were kind of making up the rules as we go, but it revolves around passing the drink right for right wing seats and vice-versa
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    Ah ... see I'd need to have more than one person drinking in order to pass drinks round >.< I keep pondering the whole 'hung' parliament concept ... god I'm immature!!
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