aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The Yaoi Guerrilla of UK

  1. Azen
    i was going to post something realy poetic and weird about time not being relative then thought wait ... im not that cleaver XD
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    azen yes you are! Although the whole reason why Daylight Savings came into force was during the First World War to 'aid the War effort' ... weird fact of the day!
  3. Azen
    wow i didnt know that awesome !!! i'll win on a pub quizz with that now ... i'll split my winnings with you
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    Deal!! ^^ the idea was that it would increase productivety during daylight hours hence aid the War Effort - the whole Home Front plan ^^
    I played on a few pub quizzes never won anything ^^ I am full of useless factoids
  5. blonde180246
    I too am full of what people call useless info but I see it as facts people should know like people, bands and songs that actually matter and have made a difference in the past and should be heard in todays world ... common knowledge I think is essential and you never know when it comes in handy especially if it's a pub quiz or a home played Trivial Pursuit
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    Happy Easter!!! Hope the bunny was good to you! ^^
  7. darkalchemist
    Same to ye, sio and to everyone else ^^

    Keep forgetting to check the groups, sorry guys ^^;;
  8. blonde180246
    Everybody's forgetting the groups come back
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    I'm sorry your all alone in the group blonde! *cuddles* I havnt forgotten! How are you hun?
  10. blonde180246
    hmmmm sometimes I just want to crawl in a hole, nothings going right ... guess you can say my first bad moment's happening ... I'm so depressed, no job, no money and end in sight to my course ... some people think I'm just being lazy which hurts even more ... the job market's dry, my brain's not working absorbing much info, there's nothing I can do
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