aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The Yaoi Guerrilla of UK

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hmmm what could I possibly do with a tied up blonde and all the whips n' chains that I keep in the corner ....
  2. blonde180246
    Electrodes and cherries and whipped cream and marshmellows and guns and fire trucks and ... GET BACK IN YOUR CAGE naughty boy
    ... where was I hmmm ... oh yeah, me tied up ... again ... with whips and chains and rubber tipped thingies with chocolate syrup and whipcreamandcherriesandelectrodesandgunsandfiretru cksanduuhuhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuu
  3. darkalchemist
    *hides* Uh-oh... what did I stumble accross again?! (^O^)
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    ah see it's never going to happen now me being lactose intolorant ... now your all covered with whipped cream *sigh* ah well
    How is everyone tonight? I'm pretty tired and I jammed my finger in a gate lock now theres all this blood spotted and bruised ... not pretty
    I'm watching Dave Chappelle just now he's a bit hit or miss but he's made me laugh so far ^^
  5. yuumei
    Aw, we can use lactose free cream
  6. darkalchemist
    or soy cream (^O^)

    My computer's finally working again, thanks to my genius lil brother! (^-^) Bless him! Now I might actually be able to surf the net and download at the same time without the computer freezing... (>O<)
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    Ok have just eaten a pot noodle 'bombay bad boy' as a late night snack ... I'm starting to think that was possibly not the smartest thing I've ever done ...
    for getting your comp up and running again properly darkalchemist ^^ Whenever mine goes down I have to send it to my mums boyfriend to fix and hope and pray that he doesnt find anything that I keep hidden on my harddrive >.<
  8. darkalchemist
    lol that might be bad. I'm lucky to have help who wouldn't be shocked by anything he found on my comp. (>O<)
  9. blonde180246
    lactose intolorant .... ohhohhhh use chocolate syrup then
    the only problems I have here is the connection, really does my nut in ... besides I've put my naughties away in a folder where no one will suspect OR find
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    Could I use butterscotch? *Yummy*
    Yeah I had a close call once where my external harddrive that had a lot of downloads on it wouldnt connect to the computer and I ended up sending that along with the comp for it to be fixed ... that was not a pleasant 3 days but if he did go snooping through my files he's never said and I dont see him often enough to notice any change in behaviour ^^
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