aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The Yaoi Guerrilla of UK

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    You know I have a feeling I was going to segway into a Churchill speech "we will fight in the trenches and in our homes and we will never surrender!" I dont know why ...have been in a very odd mood for the last few days ^^
    'ello ello Dark ^^ we got nothing but love for all the UK buddies wont hold the fact that your living over the pond against you
    *dances with yuumei* Yay people are back!! If we fall divided does that mean each part falls in a different direction?
  2. yuumei
    Hah ,Like in resident evil? I hope not :O
  3. darkalchemist
    lol that doesn't sound too nice.

    Thanks for the welcomes (^-^) Good to see you all woke up, was begin to think the group was dead after all. (v.v)
  4. blonde180246
    Twas me and Sio chan for quite a while, me happy to see it moving again hmmm does it mean each part falls in a different direction maybe, I want to be on a part that falls on a warm end
  5. yuumei
    *gathers parts together again*

    I need more rope... :/
  6. darkalchemist
    *hands yuumei some rope*
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    Are we gathering parts? We cant just water them and see if they'll grow?
    blonde why is it when you talked about falling on a warm end I immediatly thought of something dirty? >.< There is something very wrong going on in my head ^^
  8. yuumei
    All better... hmmm, I seem to have tied up blonde >:D
    Didnt we all? ^^
  9. darkalchemist
    lol@sio: Is there any other way of thinking? It's not like that many people actually have it all the pieces to the puzzle in their head. (^O^)
  10. blonde180246
    Oh dear in it again ... all tied up, now what can we () hmmm do next
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