aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The Yaoi Guerrilla of UK

  1. blonde180246
    Hey UK sweets .... where are you come back
  2. Azen
    im always here but it's been really quiet of l,ate no one has been posting so i havnt replied to my own post lol glad you decided to post something i thought this bit was long dead. Silly me i shouldnt have been so judgemental lmao so how has everyone been??? long time no see for a lot of you.
  3. blonde180246
    Hey Azen read what we've been up to on our UK thread ... I swear to god, we are a dirty lot you've missed some big moments, still time to catch up
  4. GingerLR
    i've been telling him to get is arse on more but more but meh. i'll write it on his forhead next time he comes round haha
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello all again^^ I've been off line for a while and I am likely to be off line for a while yet ... my Aunt died and its come along with the moving and everythings just a little bit of a mess just now but I hope your all well
  6. blonde180246
    awww sorry to hear that, sio-chan
  7. bein
    hi all, i should really post in here more o.o

    oh my gosh, your aunt passed away, sorry to hear that *hugs*
    my nan also passed away a couple of 2weeks ago... my feeling are with you =(
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    thank you blonde and bein *hugs* I'm sorry to hear about your nan hope your ok, I'm all depressed and just feeling pretty miserable to be honest, my aunt died of broncial pnemonia thats treatable AND curable dammit! and my mums really upset, and I dont get time off work because she wasnt an immediate relative and the move stuff hasnt gone well and I have to get my wisdom teeth removed, its just every thing piling up, stuff in general just sucks and I'm complaining here because I cant really complain anywhere else *sorry* I dont want to unload on everyone else because I know that I have no cause for complaint it just is what it is *goes to bed now*
  9. bein
    sometimes in life not evrey think goes well, but im really sorry to hear that so much in a short time is going bed .... like i said my nans passed away (died of lung concer) so i tottly know how you feel, like people say, "with evrey cloude there is a silver lineing" evrey think well be ok someday, just have to fight threw the bad times =(

    but, the only thing i can do is wish that evrey think goes well for you sio chan *hugs*
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    Thank you bein , I got my right wisdom teeth out today, I was awake for it with injection to numb the pain (kinda works but I could still feel it just as the root of the tooth was being pulled from my upper jaw) I'm all swollen and bruised and my mouth is bleeding but its done and the teeth are out so *shrugs* Its a little surreal to see the dentist and feel what hes doing but not really feeling the pain of it till afterwards ... My aunts funeral is next week and I'm probably not going to be able to go but what can do. I'm sorry to here about your Nan bein, I know your right its just the way it goes and every does get better the ebb and flow 'into every life a little rain must fall' right?
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