aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The Yaoi Guerrilla of UK

  1. Phoenixangel
    oh it tasted nice XD just so much mess...much easier to eat off of ice cream XD
  2. blonde180246
    Ice Cream? Try mine & Jerry's concoction
  3. GingerLR
    oh phoenix that just put a horrid image in my head. i dont think syrup makes more mess, make less in my opinion. cream drips where as syrup gives you enough time to lick it up ^^
  4. Phoenixangel
    whipped creamXD tastes shite though...
    omg i want that ice cream!!! *grabs*
  5. Rokuemon
    Yikes, what is that seafood ice cream? I'm sure I can see a whelk in there.
  6. GingerLR
    oh does anyone else have vanilla ice cream with lemonade or am i just wierd like that?
  7. Rokuemon
    I'd forgotten that existed. I don't think its weird, it's probably quite nice... I don't really remember. Whats probably weird about me is that I don't actually like sweet things that much, although I'd never say no to a spog.
  8. GingerLR
    i try not to eat sweets to much but every now and then say like once maybe every 2 months i'll have a binge weekend where all i do is eat chocolate, crips, sweets and so one. thn it takes another 2 months to work it off *cries*
  9. Phoenixangel
    floaters!! it sound like a toilet joke>< but it epic its ice cream in a glass of lemonade!!
    theres this town called Barstow in Nevada i think like randomly halfway between vegas and other civilisation XD that has this odd little cafe place that does them..its like food and a refreshing drink combined^_^
    and you could have any combination of coke sprite fanta and whatever ice cream they had...
    dammit now im hungry....
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    I used to have Ice Cram Floats with Pepsi ^^ vanilla ice cream scopped into a big glass and topped with Pepsi - wow fash back to my childhood! I am completely different from you all in that I have A MAJOR sweet tooth, I love sweets but its not good for my waistline and its not good for my health so I try to cut it down as much as I can. So I'm going to complain here and then I'm going to stop ... my head is throbbing I'm all migrained my eyes are throbbing my neck has completely clenched and my right shoulder and right hand has swollen up I've been missing work and I cant afford it and I'm stressed out >.< so complaint done wont mention here again
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