aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The Yaoi Guerrilla of UK

  1. blonde180246
    Sorry to hear that, Phoe-chan
    I was supposed to see The Wrestler at the cinema in Bath with friends but it had gone so we drove to Bristol to see if it was there, It wasn't ... so we saw Friday the 13th instead, because it's a remake I wasn't expecting much BUT I was surprised, I enjoyed it, I think it's more of a remake of the first 3 movies
  2. Phoenixangel
    my bf tried to drag me to that...i dont do horror so that didnt happen xd we went out for a meal on friday evening mm sushi!! lush XD then saturday morning i wanted to go to leicester which caused a fight and we ended up in nottingham.....
    still better than loughborough XD
    seriously theres nothing there...how do people not living in london cope!! i mean there are like 12 cinemas all showing different things at diff times near where i live in LB there is one showing 4 crappy movies....
  3. Rokuemon
    How do people not living in London cope? Booze. There's still plenty of offies wherever you go. I actually never go to the cinema, although its nice having like 6 gay clubs to choose from on the weekend, even if I only end up going to the same one, or staying at home and getting boozed up.
  4. blonde180246
    Staying home and getting boozed up is always good, there's no restrictions to go anywhere but the kitchen.
    The nearest gay clubs from me is in Bath, 10 miles away Whenever I'm there I have a great time though
  5. Phoenixangel
    ahh yeah booze the saviour XD we have tonnes of gay clubs but there all in central and there a pain to get to. imma try and drag a couple of my friends long next weekend *is a gay bar virgin* ive only just turned 18..well 6 months ago but still, new to being able to legally drink xd and large amounts of my friends (at least the ones that arent scared of going to a gay bar with me...) are still underage.
    failing that, house party with the twins XD i wanna see if that vodka jelly mix i made almost a year ago is still growing in their room...
  6. GingerLR
    i think i go out to drink less now than i did before i was legal lol. i just have people round the flat instead, its cheaper, warmer, the music is better and best of all no twats. oh plus my bed is in the next room instead of the next town ^^

    never been to a gay bar but me and some friends are planning on going to canal street sometime cause we live not too far away. last week me and my parnter were concidering moving to some new appartments closer to where we work which would of ment our local would pub call "kandi bar", gay much lol
  7. Phoenixangel
    oh i drink way less than i did when i was underage. although its less cause the attraction has ceased to be as epic and more because i had all my drinky fun when i was 17 and am now bored...Also time and money are issues when you have to work five days a week and have rent and stuff..><
    i still live with my parents atm so its hard to friends over so i go to bars and pubs a lot, when i get a place of my own i'll be more inclined to not bother.
    Yeah i like not having to trek on a bus at 2 am in the morning to get home...XD

    I've never been either...my friend( ex gf) was supposed to go with me when we turned 18 but she went all weird and emo and we dont hang out much anymore...
    So im draggin along other peopel XD their all straight, but it'll still be giggles and what not ^_^

    plus my bf has ever so kindly given me permission to hook up with girls..&#172;&#172; the hypocritacal asswipe that he is...
  8. Rokuemon
    Of course, I hardly every drink. Just the odd glass of sherry, or champers when there's something to celebrate... (you aren't believing this are you?)
  9. Phoenixangel
    no roku i don't think we are XD *pets*
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    ok ... so how is everyone? *tries to think of something interesting to say*
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