aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The Yaoi Guerrilla of UK

  1. Mira-Chan
    Hiya. Just noticed this group and decide to join. So where about in the UK is everyone in here? I'm somewhere near london, about 15 to 20 mins away
  2. GingerLR
    @phoenix = wow umm you rock ^^nya. although you prob right about it being creepy but damn it would be hot, ugh now i've got that video stuck in my head * hears cheesy porn music* bow chicca wa wow!

    oh and hi Mira-Chan welcome. im from up north near liverpool(ugh) but lived all over so no scouce accent thank christ lol
  3. Azen
    ah **** off laaaaaaaaa giz a bifta lid*ewewew i carnt believe i just typed that. hit myself with a big trout*

    im about 15 mins walk away from ginger i have a slight scouse accent comes out worse if im pissed or angry.

    @GLR you will get details when i next come round dont expect me to go into to much detail coz i dont wanna puke lmao

    @mira - chan welcome hey guys lets hope our community keeps growing we have had 2 new members in 1 weeks yay ^^ *i knowim not the only pervert in the uk now *

    @GLR (again) lol i know you dont smoke but i just found a lighter of mine you would love its orange like a luminous orange
  4. GingerLR
    i want it. BRING IT TO ME NOW!!!!
  5. blonde180246
    Hey Mira-chan welcome. I live 99 miles west of London
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello Mira-Chan I'm in Scotland nice to have you here with us
  7. Phoenixangel
    hi mira!! *huggles* yay Londoner!! I'm living in greater London near Heathrow ^^
    as for accents i changeXD
    I went to Milton Keynes for Tokonatsu and came back with a northern accent cause of who I hung around :O my parents went nutty
    usually though, I'm very posh when i'm angry, slightly posh when i'm tipsy (i over enunciate to con ppl into thinking i'm sober XD it so works) and cockney when i'm, very drunk although i've only been told this..usually i'm to far gone to even know i'm talking ^_^ as for the rest of the time..ashamed to say i change depending on who i'm with...

    @azen ha of course you're not the only pervert in the UK, have you been to an MCM expo and observed the people there? XD perverts; the lot of them XD some worse than others
  8. AshtrayHeart
    @Phoenix: I'm exactly the same, and it drives my parents up the wall! Sometimes I have a really thick Nottingham accent ("Naaaar, dan innit!") *shuddertwitch* And it goes really high when I'm annoyed...

    I pick up accents too quickly...I had a Canadian one for about two weeks after I went there last summer. I'm going to Middlesborough for a university interview today so I think I'll just try not to talk
  9. GingerLR
    good luck with your interview Ash. i'd say just wear headphones all the way there that way you wont hear people talking and pick up the accent lol
  10. Phoenixangel
    oh lol ash i do the same when i go to America...it just sucks both ways cause the American's think you're taking the piss and my friends at home think i'm just ebing smarmy>< everyone laughed at me with my northern accent though.. it took me almost two months to get rid of it... are you from nottingham then? *has been there once..in the dark...got lost...found a pub!!*

    oo good luck with the interview!! you have to talk though! how will you answer any questions??

    has anyone noticed despite the fact we all live in the same time zone we're barely ever online at the same time? (at least posting on aarin as far as i can tell....)
    I have more luck being online at the same time as people i know in Malasiya than I do people who live a few miles away XD
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