aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The Yaoi Guerrilla of UK

  1. Rokuemon
    I could go to bed earlier than 2 or 3, but why? It's the best time of the day, especially on a Friday night at AM. It's not that I can't sleep, I just can't STOP. Of course, I can't start the next day... People have died from drinking too much tea, you know.

    Yea that flaggy thing is nice.
  2. steelking
    ooo Azen i like that pic looks pretty funky to me!!! XD
    everybody's got weird sleeping patterns, i usually go to bed at 12:30am but i never get to sleep straight awat takes me about an hour but usually if i'm busy i stay up til 2:00am
    oh i just heard on TV today that drinking tea is really good for you, well black tea and Green tea!
  3. Rokuemon
    I'm seeing last posts with "yesterday" on them. Has the UK clocked off early for the weekend? Has everyone suddenly got a life? Where's mine??
  4. Azen
    nope i havnt got a life unless you count lineage and yaoi and well obv TEA ^^
  5. Rokuemon
    That's a relief. If everyone starts getting a life I'll be buggered. Wait... I am being buggered
  6. blonde180246
    Only if you want to
  7. Raykaida
    A UK group....nice!!
    Thought I'd come say hi ^^
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello again Raykaida
    Seems like you enjoy the propect Roukemon ;P
  9. Rokuemon
    OK people definitely HAVE LIVES! Give them to me NOW!
    I'm going to put them in this draw until the end of class.
  10. bein
    ooohhh, may i ask teacher Rokuemon......when may i have my life back o.o
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