aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The Yaoi Guerrilla of UK

  1. GingerLR
    was planning on going to the london expo this yeah but due to money its looking more and more likely i wont be able to *cries* i was soo looking forward to cosplaying sage naruto ; ;
  2. Azen
    i was going to go think of going o the one in telford this year as some people arnt going to the london expo *glares at GLR* and we should all wear something with aarinfantasy badges so where know eachother !!! and just cause mayhem
  3. GingerLR
    *glares back at azen* stfu lol

    not a bad idea about the badges though ^^
  4. bein
    you should make the badge's im interested what they would look like xD
  5. GingerLR
    well azen you said you wanted to get back on photoshop, theres your first task ^^

    might give it ago myself actually, maybe a group logo while im at it
  6. bein
    cool =D... can't wait to see it ^ ^
  7. GingerLR
    ok azen is gonna kill me now, decided i AM going to london expo again lol

    so yeah now im definatly going to make some badges and logos. got the logo thinking some sort of grundge style union jack but obiously will try a few ideas.

    so everyone please think of some and post them here and i can give it a real go.
    also does anyone know who design the layouts for the forum. i know it says artwork by heise but i know thats just the background, i'll need to know what font they used for "Aarinfantasy" that why.
    *getting really exicted*
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    Post in the suggestions/ comments thread the mods check there and you usually get a response pretty quick they should be able to tell you what font was used plus it might be an idea to tell them about the UK twist on the aarinfantasy image they could give you some tips on the art work and stuff
  9. bein
    i have an idre if it helps ^ ^;;

    i was thinking this pic, with "Uk Aariners" at the bottum and a Union jack flag as a background

    just a thought ^ ^;;
  10. GingerLR
    thanks bein i'll give that ago ^^
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