aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. Kadaj_chan

    thank you very much ultimate-chan....
    you are so kind
  2. Chonki

    This is the power of VK family!!!
  3. Kadaj_chan
    shall Rido-sama's punishment be always with you!

  4. Chonki
    Same goes for you MasterHarem!Okaa-san!!
  5. KuroiTsuki
    Aaaaah......mommy, please forgive me for being such a bastard ass and voting for zetsu again Shame on me
    Rido-sama!!!MOMMY!!!!Ultie!!!!!!!Forgive me!!!!!!
  6. Kadaj_chan
    it doesn't matter assassin-chan
    you are free to vote for whoever you think deserves it
  7. KuroiTsuki
    But my gorgeous mommy deserve it too Damn, it was the most hard section for me, I spent about an hour thinking about that damn voting
    Thank you so much for your kindness, okaa-sama
  8. Kadaj_chan
    you are welcome dear
    don't make yourself sad now...let's go for some hunting so your mood will be refreshed
    and soon that bi*ch will be begging for mercy and we show her none
  9. KuroiTsuki
    Wahahahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YESSSS!!!!That's my mommy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You know how to make me feel sooooo much better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Now that you mentioned about it......I think we kinda let her be way too much alreadyI guess it's time to re-open B!TCH's old wounds againAaaaaaaah.....what should I do......my new katana so wanna be tested....and want some blood to make it all shiny Though I can't leave my Bloody Roses too....aaah....It's so hard to make a choice.....
    Well then....should I use both and make our pleasure longer.....?I have a loooooooong night to look forward to
    Join me? Bring all you have, my HOLY ARMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hyuuga!!!!!Where the hell are you?????Your Aya-tan miss you way too much!!!!!!!Come to us and we'll enjoy ourselves all night long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Chonki
    I was deeply moved my your words Aya-tan/Okaa-san/10th!!!!
    ....I was asking Hibari-sama to lend me his tonfas~! And then I went to Mukuro-sama to borrow his trident and Dino kindly gave me his whip~!SOOOOOO I can practice my skills with these under Rido-sama's noble command! *thows 2 dynamites at head*
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