aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. Chonki
    HAI AYA-TAN-ASSASSIN-TAICHOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm leaving my mercy and regrets behind!!! I am a beast!
    And I'm going to hunt that b!tch down first!!
    *gets her equipment ready*
    It's show time...........
  2. Kadaj_chan
    *lurks in the holy harm*
    I am so depressed right now...just read a SAD Kaname-sama/zero fic and cried so,I need some thing to cheer me up
  3. Chonki
    SAD Kaname-sama x Zero fic? Is it that 'Bloody Moon'?
    Yeees good hunt is a great way to get rid of depression!
  4. KuroiTsuki
    Wha!!! Okaa-sama!!!!Please, you shouldn't be depressed!!!!!OR!If you are, we can turn it into anger and guide right to the B!TCHJust hunt with us and we'll make you forget everythingNow think only about hunt, Rido-sama's punishment and movie that we'll get after that!!!!And there Kaname-sama and Zero will have soooo really and truly happy-smexy-lovely-noble ending that even not end but the very begining of everything
    *Sadistic Captain Mode-ON!!!!!*Now listen here,you bastards!!!!!Has someone found the W!ORE already???!!!!!We need some prelude with screams and blood to cheer up our Holy Okaa-san and make her mood better!!!!Bring the B!TCH to me chained walking on her fours crying out loud begging for mercy!!!!And don't forget to treat her a little punishment with your weapon since it a long way of reaching me Got it???!!!!!START!!!!!!
  5. Chonki
    *Submissive Underling Mode: ON*
    Aya-tan-taichou *uke look* I noticed some blood on a floor! Should I follow them?
    Ohhh someone's crawling there *takes a thick chain*
    Hello B!tch Would you like to have a little game with us~!? *chains and drags her to Aya-tan*
    Do I get a reward?
  6. Kadaj_chan
    nah...it was not the *bloody moon*. bloody moon has a happy ending but this was a one-shot which was a sad and tragic one
    want the link?
  7. KuroiTsuki
    Hoooo...You made pretty fast, HyuugaYou're being a good defender Shall I give you some reward?Hmmmm......Let me think about it....well, If you're such a loyal follower of your Holy Harem and it's Hunters' captain....then I guess I can give you some little reward for now.....
    How about this one?Gorgeous form of Kaname-sama after drinking Zero's fresh-irresistible-tasty blood?
  8. KuroiTsuki
    Okaa-sama@I want it!!!!!!!!!!!!!Let me share your sadness and comfort you after that!!!!And you can punish me if you want and if it will make you feel better
  9. Kadaj_chan
    Here is the link:
    One Before the Other, a Vampire Knight fanfic - FanFiction.Net

    and that pic is Hawt

    don't I get a reward too?I have introduced two VK fan fics to you
  10. KuroiTsuki
    I'll try to find you Rido-sama's fanart in my personal gallery^^
Results 821 to 830 of 1498