aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. Kadaj_chan
    I won't lose this fun by any chance in hell
    we will make the bi*ch to feel sorry from her birth and beg for mercy which we will show her non
  2. Chonki
    It's hard to have to mommies xD....The Harem's Okaa-san is cruel
    And Aya-tan *get some rusty equipment* Will this do?
  3. Kadaj_chan
    of course I am cruel to that bi*ch ultimate-chan you wanted me to manicure her filthy nails?!
    P.S.there was a HAWT Kaname-sama/zero posted in my profile my since the aarin server went down suddenly in the morning,all my VMs were deleted included THAT
  4. KuroiTsuki
    Bwhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You damn freaking B*TCHY WH*RE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Your end is here in our holy hands of justice!!!!
    The preparations are set,we're all ready and now.....should we start our game???After previous tortures her wounds are not healed yet, I think...Ah, but we can't wait anymore, so, be prepared, !!!!!
    And we'll start with hide-and-seek~Run and crawl as fast as you can while we'll patiently and slowly count to 10Then try to hide and see how fast we'll find you~And know that my Bloody Roses are ready and soooo wanna new fresh blood!!!!

    Ultie@Both of your mommies are really kind!We just wanna have a liiiiittle fun here with that damn Right, okaa-sama?
    Okaa-sama@ Please,be my smexy-master-mommy!!!
  5. Kadaj_chan
    Then let the Games begin!

    @Assassin-chan: of course

    *goes to continue sulking over her lost Kaname-sama/zero pic*
  6. Chonki
    OK we had a big misunderstanding but it doesn't matter since we all want that B!TCHE'S blooooooood! It reminds me of The SAW
    Ohh Mommy!Assassin let's have some more fun and count to 15
    Harem!Okaa-san I can me your M slave too~!
  7. Kadaj_chan
    I am so refreshed today and I ready for some bi*ch hunting! (I have read some
    Kaname-sama/zero fics ) now miss wh0re crawl here at my feet and let me skin you alive
    @ultimate-chan:of course Rido-sama shall be happy!
  8. KuroiTsuki
    Wow!Our mood soooo synchronized!!!!'cos I feel something like that too
    BTW...the count has started.....~ 1~2~3~4~5~now it's your turn, okaa-sama,ultie~ I wonder how far the sl*t will be able to go in such condition
  9. Chonki
    Ohh my turn,my turn! 7~9~15 OK let's loo for her!!
    Ohh she's still here? That's a shame
  10. KuroiTsuki
    It's show time~ YOU DAMN FREAKING DIRTY FILTHY B*TCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!The Hell will be like a Heaven to you after our hunt, did you hear that,stupid sl*ty witch!!!???!!!!!
    Now, attention here, everyone!!!!!It's your captain's command!!!!We're going to find the and who finds her first, will get a special prize from me and maybe, if we do our job veeeery well, maybe even his Highness Rido-sama will phrase us or even punish!!!!Did you get it???!!!!Now, bastards!!!!!Leave all your regrets and mercy behind, become relentless beasts and torture DAMN B*TCH making her regret everything she's EVER done in her useless stupid life including her own freaking birth!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Did you hear me!!!!!!!???????And now~~~~~GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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