aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. Chonki
    ...well if it's for Haruka-sama the certainly I can wait!
  2. Kadaj_chan
    you can film Kaname-Sama and Zero's healthy entertainment

    with some strawberry and cream
  3. KuroiTsuki
    Aaaah~I'll do it!!!!Please,let me do it,Holy Okaa-sama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have a camera and I'm readyMay I????^^
  4. Kadaj_chan
    Ok!you can do it assassin-chan!
    but be careful of the quality
    *goes to grab some popcorn and come to watch*
  5. Chonki
    What about meeee...I feel left out
  6. KuroiTsuki
    Should I also film B*TCH's torturing by my 2 newie freshy cleaned Bloody Roses?I have a veeeeeeery good mood for that,so I can bring you two more pleasure with our movie Or maybe you wanna join me with this part?I wanna do something with wh*re's nails so that she will never be able to show it to Kaname-sama
  7. Kadaj_chan
    @Ultimate-chan,I was about to tell you that your presence was requested by Rido-sama but you were not around..so...yeah...you lost the chance of your noble punishment

    come now....we are going to go and help our dear Assassin to get rid of that b*tch's nails...so she can never show them off to Kaname-sama and cause fiasco
  8. KuroiTsuki
    Bwahahaha!!!!!!Your end is coming closer,damn freaking b*tchy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!My army is ready and we're going to give you some 'sweet' dreamsI'll make you regret you were born,And for that I'll become his highness Ayanami-sama and will leave all my mercy behind just to show you the REAL colours of this world and all our hatred
  9. Chonki
    You are cruel Okaa-san!!!!!!

    Then I'll be Hyuuga , nee, Aya-tan? The Punishment is cooooming!
  10. KuroiTsuki
    Me???Cruel?Ah,my dear,you're too kind-heartedI'm the kindest person in the world right now and that b*tch even hasn't pissed me off that badly yet
    She just deserve the cruelest damn punishment!!!And we'll give it to herRight,Hyuuga?And what about our sweet great Okaa-sama?^^I hope you'll help us 'cos the more teasers the better
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