aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. Chonki
    I'm Ultimate-chan?
    I'm sure our *cough*perverted*cough* Assasin will give you a bunch of ideas in which position Kaname-sama should *cough* make love*cough*.....bite Idol-senpai!
  2. KuroiTsuki
    Why,how did you know about that,Ultie???You know me THAT well already,huhAs expected from you
    Aaaaah~Idol-senpai~When I think about him with Kaname-sama...It should be best making love scenes ever!I saw it so many times in my perverted dreams already
  3. Kadaj_chan
    don't forget it is not only a perverted fic it is angst and love too
  4. Chonki
    ...and I love making up the taste of blood~! I have one for Wild-senpai as well. It would be hotter then anyone else (cause he's using fire), spicy and had a ginger taste to it! What do you think?
  5. Kadaj_chan
    Aidou's breath hitched as Kaname's expert mouth moved on his pale skin. his fingers tightened in silky the brown hair. His body shivered and his heartbeat quickened, but he didn't resist, letting his head fall to the side slightly as Kaname worked his way up his neck with sensuality. He told himself his acceptance was because no importance was there. Kaname would just hold him down if he resisted but the truth he didn't want to face was that he didn't want to resist. He wanted this.He wanted that beautiful creature to hold him and burn him with his hot lips though he knew that there was no love in between.

    a bit of the fic?
  6. Chonki

    That's a masterpiece!!!!!!!!!!! *her perverted imagination;s going wild*
    I wanna read the whole thing! Right now! Dear Okaa-san! It's OMG so good....but no love?;omgnooo:
  7. Kadaj_chan
    really?you liked it?
    I told you it was angst
  8. Chonki
    B-B-But to do something like that to Idol-senapi?? That's to cruel!
  9. Kadaj_chan
    well I AM a cruel writer....this fic is going to be have lots of angst....
    and that is going to come between
  10. Chonki
    Okaa-san you are making me want this fic even more!!! But tell me something bad is going to happen to the right? At least a little? Even broken nail is fine...but it has to hurt!!
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