aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. Chonki
    He'll definitely show you what he's got!! Treat him gently okaa-san!!

    I thing won't eve notice. She'll probably be flirting with another guy or looking for Zero-chan to tell hi m oh how much she loves him!
  2. Kadaj_chan
    oh of course....I will treat shiki-chan gently.. as gently as Rido-sama's teachings let me
    that bi*ch is so....I even can not find a word! from one side she wants Kaname-sama and from another side she wants Zero-chan...
    but guess what you bi*ch! you can NOT have them! HANDS OFF OR I WILL BITE THEM OFF!
  3. Chonki
    We shall protect the Holy Harem from her! and her friend!!!!
  4. Kadaj_chan
    of course! we are not in vain!
    you know about my Kaname-sama/Idol-senpai fic
    I want this from the viewpoint of a reader
    give me your viewpoint for the taste of Aidou-senpai's blood...
  5. Chonki
    I feel honored to be a viewpoint for your fic but I'm not sure if you'll like it*thinks hard*
    Sweet yet somehow refreshing thanks to a little menthol/mint taste!
    *runs away and hides*
    I hope you know what I meant
    But hey does that mean there will be blood sucking scene?
    DAMNNNNN I wanna read that!!!
  6. Kadaj_chan
    oh...I got want you want to say...I think it will work out good since the element of Idol-senpai is ice so his blood should have that taste too
    yeah...there will be a blood sucking scene Kaname-sama will suck the blood from Idol-senpai delicate beautiful neck
    ok...I have told you enough
  7. Chonki
    I have to read it!!!!
    I can;t wait right now!!!!!
    And I'm glad the idea helped!
  8. Kadaj_chan
    I am currently working on details
    soon it will be ready
  9. Chonki
    If I call Rido-sama and ask him nicely to use his whip on a certain someone would that help accomplishing it faster?
  10. Kadaj_chan
    certain some one?
    and who that certain some one would that be which the holy whip will be used on?
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