aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. Kadaj_chan
    yeah...rip her dirty fingers which she dared to touch our dear Kaname-Sama and Zero-kun with apart,ultimate defender!
    and I shall tear the worthless skin of her arms apart
    get that bi*ch!

    oh...I have read a very good Kaname-sama/zero fic sadly it doesn't contain yuuki bashing (but yuuki is dead in it thank God ) do you want the link? (it is 30 chapters)
  2. KuroiTsuki
    Don't worry,Ultimate DefenderWe all will get a great souvenirs from this wonderful missionOkaaaay~~Lets see...one finger....goes to Ultimate.....the second one....we'll give it to our lovely Okaa-san.....the third one is for me....And now let's start again!Ah!May be we'll do it with other hand now?Or leg??Hmmmm....okay,we'll do it step by step~
  3. KuroiTsuki
    Wha!!!!Kaname-sama x Zero fic!!!???I wanna read itMay I have the link?Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease
  4. Kadaj_chan
    oh...here is the link of it...please read and share your thoughts?

    Blood Moon Chapter 1: Ashes to Ashes, a Vampire Knight fanfic - FanFiction.Net
  5. Chonki
    Kaname-sama and Zero fanfic~!!!!!! *goes to read*
    Ohh don't forget Rido-sama! He wants souvenirs too
  6. Kadaj_chan
    yeah...Rido-sama's noble presence demand souvenirs
  7. KuroiTsuki
    Wow!!!Okaa-san has a new GORGEOUS settie!!!!!!
    Ok,my lovely Relentless smexy Yuuki Hunters!!!!Main assassin is offie for earning points that I've lost and for looking staff for Ultimate DefenderSo while I'm not here,keep torture damn b*tch as you like as much as you can and do everything you wantI'll come back right after I'll back my lost points and we'll continue it together
    Make sure that Rido-sama will train all our Holy Harem properly by that time,ne~

  8. Kadaj_chan
    thank you Main assassin! it has been so long since I last used a Kaname-Sama/Zero set and I thought it is time of it
    we keep torturing the bi*ch with every thing we have! you can have your mind rested!
    and Rido-Sama shall train the bishies of the harem GOOD with that holy whip of his
  9. Chonki
    Good luck on your hunt~!
    I also promise that we will keep company to And she won;t forget that~!
  10. Kadaj_chan
    have you read the new released VK chapter?

    again that manicure and pedicure fiasco!!!!!!!!!
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