aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. KuroiTsuki
    Wha!!!Then of course we can't disobey!!!!It's Rido-sama after all!!!!Our everything~
    Hehe~~We should also include Holy Rido-sama and his whip in our plan of torturing that damn b!tch
  2. Kadaj_chan
    yeah...we can never disobey Rido-Sama's noble orders
    and we have to take the tape to his chambers where he is training Shiki-chan in how to use a whip properly
    Good plan...Rido-Sama's holy whip can do wonders in toruring that bi*ch...but then again....his holy whip will get dirty if he use it on that bi*ch
  3. Chonki
    What if she accidentally likes it? If she enjoys it it'll be an utter fail!! And Holy Whip can't get dirty!! Everything but NOT Holy Whip!!!!!
    And the tape is very important item too! It helps working on ones technic~!
  4. KuroiTsuki
    Of course we can't let Rido-sama's whip get dirty!!!!!!!It won't ever touch her dirty skin!Even if she wants itWe won't ever let touch our Holy Harem,she can only watch and drolling over it while we torturing that damn dirty We'll do the whole work ourselves!!!!There is no need to dirt clean Holy hands(and even fingers) of our precious aka bishies!But she must watch them playing naughty games and training with whips and other staff to make her freaking heart hurtNot only we'll torture her body,but also that b!tchy soul...
  5. Kadaj_chan
    NOOOOOOO! Rido-Sama's precious holy whip shall never get dirty! The holy whip is only for training the VK holy harem bishies and shall never come on touch with the filthy skin of that bi*ch!

    That's right main Assassin! we have to torture that !!!!
  6. Chonki
    That's right as an Ultimate Defender I agree with both of you!!!
    The perspective oh her touching poor Kaname-sama AGAIN is making me sick~!
  7. Kadaj_chan
    oh even don't mention it Ultimate Defender after that manicure and pedicure fiasco I really don't want to see with what matsuri-sensei is going to surprise us
  8. KuroiTsuki
    Whaaaaaa!!!!!!Ultimate Defender,Okaa-san!!!!Don't say THAT!!!!Now that I starting to remember about it I fell really sickKaname-sama doing that like some damn servant and that F!CKING FREAKING B!TCHY W!ORE behaves herself like some Queen dammit!!!!!
    HaaaThat's enough!!!!I wanna blood!!!I wanna see her damn blood right now!!!With 2 Bloody Roses in both hands I'll shoot her!First will be....yeah,so that she won't pass away....Right leg and...left shoulderOkaaaaaay~START!!!!!
    Bwahahaha!!!!!!Take that,B!TCH!!!!!!
  9. Kadaj_chan
    Good shoot main Assassin you can shoot in to her worthless eyes too
    but no...she needs her eyes to see the fun that our bishies are having together and have to die slowly from jealousy
  10. Chonki
    No, no, no her one eye and fingers are mine~!*takes ax* I feel like Mad Butcher!
    Okaa-san take her hair!!
    Team D (from Destruction) ACTION!!!!!!!
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