aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. Kadaj_chan
    ultimate Defender be careful about your blood pressure! *hands some cold water* So you want to break some thing?I guess I can do some thing about that
    *calls Aidou-senpai*
    come on Idol-senpai...this for our Dear Kaname-Sama's Sake!turn the fingers to ice!
    Now you can break the ice all you want ultimate defender!
    Shiki-chan is now being trained in Rido-sama's noble presence
  2. Chonki
    How should I break them~!
    But wait is she goin g to feel paaaaain? Lot's of pain??? I hope so
    Ok I try my best with a whip
  3. Kadaj_chan
    she is freezing in coldness now....and for more torture....Aidou-senpai,freeze her dirty fingers gingerly....so she be tortured and feel the pain
    She have to learn that she can not touch our bishies and NOT pay the price
  4. Chonki
    Ohhh man we're so evil~! That what makes us VK fangirls and the caretakers of VK Holy Harem right~!?
  5. Kadaj_chan
    of course we are evil to !!!! she is toying with VK Holy Harem bishies! like we let her!
    yeah....we are indeed the gentle caretakers of VK Holy Harem now that I am thinking,where is Kaname-sama?...it has been so long since I have seen his beautiful noble figure...
  6. Chonki
    Didn't he join the happy training with Shiki-chan and Rido-sama? Or maybe he wen't to Idol and Wild-senpai?
    Who knows This Kaname-sama..... I hope he didn't go to look for
  7. KuroiTsuki
    Ultie-chaaan~~Okaa-chaaan~Don't worry,we'll torture her as much as we want so that she won't ever think about our Holy HaremI promise it as main Assassin
  8. Kadaj_chan
    we count on you our dear main Assassin
    Kaname-Sama is found! he is with Zero....I wonder....what is our naughty pureblood Lord doing to to the bishie hunter?
  9. KuroiTsuki
    Oh,he is with his main knight?aaaah~Our Pureblood Lord-sama is so greedy~
    We're very bad,you know...to stalk them in such a moments~ But we're doing it for their sake,right?so we're allowed to do that,ne
  10. Kadaj_chan
    of course....it is for their own good... we should film their intimate moments and have the tape in our archive ...it is Rido-Sama's order!
Results 701 to 710 of 1498