aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. Chonki
    Pass me tissues please Kadaj-chan?
  2. Kadaj_chan
    Here...have this box of tissues but be careful don't lose too much blood we need our defender
    aaah...and here is Shiki-chan with his noble whip too
  3. Chonki
    Kadaj-chan these are the special tissues with the image of Zero and Kaname-sama in their intimate moments ( Kamasutra on tissues with Zero and Kaname-sama special golden/diamond/pearl/sapphire/ruby edition!) That's our product!
    *double nosebleed*
  4. Kadaj_chan
    waves one of the tissues in front of and watches delightfully as she cries in jealously
  5. Chonki
    Ohh so eviiiiiiilll
  6. Kadaj_chan
    But that's why we are here for...to make sure die from jealousy
  7. Chonki
    And i n terrible pain!....terrible paaaaain
  8. Kadaj_chan
    That's the true nature of a defender
    P.S.have Rido-Sama taught you how to use a whip properly?
  9. Chonki
    Not yet but I hope that when he'll see how poor I am at it he will decide to punish me and maybe I'll have an occasion to see some tips. Of course I might not have time to make notes so I have to remember everything~!
  10. Kadaj_chan
    of course he'll punish you
    our defender should be able to wield a whip
    open your eyes good during your punishment
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