aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. Kadaj_chan
    hmmm....punishment is Rido-Sama's noble sadist choice you have failed HIM after all
    Don't be so sad our Ultimate Defender of Kaname-sama's holy VK Harem and Rido-sama's whip! Punishment is a good thing with Rido-Sama!
  2. Chonki
    *that's what she was hoping for*
    Ohh noes double punishment from Rido-sama...how am I going to survive?
    Thank you for letting me keep my title!
  3. Kadaj_chan
    our defender is a naughty naughty perv girl

    of course you should keep your title!you are Kaname-Sama's defender from that Yuuki!
  4. Chonki
    I evolved from innocent perv to naughty naughty perv girl~!?
    I guess it can;t be helped...:*fans herself*
  5. Kadaj_chan
    I see that you yourself is accepting the fact too

    *grabs her camera and goes to film Rido-Sama x Shiki-chan cest*
  6. Chonki
    Geez two whip wielder~!!! That's just like a dream~!
  7. Kadaj_chan
    yeah...But Rido-Sama is just professional Shiki-chan has to learn SO much from him
  8. Chonki
    lol Shiki-chan is still a n00b!
    But he gets to lean from the best!
  9. Kadaj_chan
    oh yeah...

    Rido-Sama will say to him in his husky deep voice:

    Watch and learn boy...this is how you use a whip...not the pathetic way you use it!

  10. Chonki
    And he'll show that on Kaname-sama....Shiki-chan will get his own "dummy" to train on.
Results 621 to 630 of 1498