aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. Kadaj_chan
    yeah,the lap dancing was taking place

    I have filmed it all don't worry! you couldn't have missed all this wonderful scenes!
  2. Chonki
    I knew I could count on you babe
  3. Kadaj_chan
    that scenes were just TOO amazing to lose
    oh Kaname-sama and Aidou-senpai....
  4. Chonki
    So the plan works up until now~!? That's so great~
    BTW pass me the tape NOW!!
  5. Kadaj_chan
    OK! why are you yelling at me chonki? *hands the tape and hides behind a still dazed aidou-senpai*
  6. Chonki
    Uh...etoo...sorry I...that's the tape's fault! It's one hot film on it and I want to see it as quickly as possible My precious *crawls Gollum style*
    Ohh Idol-senpai seemed to enjoy himself...
  7. Kadaj_chan
    Idol-senpai enjoy himself for sure he is still dazed and in his La-La-Land!
    so,what do you think of our precious film?
  8. Chonki
    ...wait I need to stop the blood....where's the tissue...

    Ok...well it's indeed precious and interesting and we can't let a certain person to see that...*light bulb appears over her head* But wait~! If we let "her" see that maybe she'll kill herself and Idol-senpai will be able to en joy himslef for a little longer and we won't have to dirty our hands~!?
  9. Kadaj_chan
    I am so happy that you have enjoyed the tape contents

    Miss kill herself?Are you serious?No way....she is just too stubborn and idiot to do that...don't you remember one time when she went in Moon dorm and saw Kaname-Sama with Ruka (shudders at the thought),she ran away....but did she suicide?Sadly NO
  10. Chonki
    Damn that's right...but ewww the thought of Kaname-sama and another GIRL is just creeping me out~! And Ruka was so eager back then...That's so amazing that our Kaname-sama can keep his cool in situation like this
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