aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. Secchii
    geh im just losing hope~ poor kaname! lets steal him now before that stupid yuuki breaks his heart! D=
  2. Kadaj_chan
    Secchii,don't you like my and chonki's plot?
  3. Secchii
    i do~ but~ poor matsuri-sensei would be bothered~
  4. Chonki
    We don't have time to think about her...I'm sorry Matsuri-sensei
    Hey but maybe Sec-chan's idea is good too! I mean while Kadaj-chan talks with Idol-senpai and I'm getting ready to completely destroy a certain being from our perfect world you may capture Kan-chan and hide him somewhere so that he won 't interfere with our plan.
    But no playing with him until we arrive!
  5. Kadaj_chan
    yeah,Secchii!please No PLAYING WITH KANAME-SAMA till we arrive just give him some books to read to stop his mind from wandering to that *%@$^ Yuuki and coming to interfere.
    Now I have to go....Idol-senpai and I gonna meet for a coffee and talk in a cafe`
  6. Chonki
    Ohhh rrright! Like I'm going to believe you Kadaj-chan. Coffee? Cafe? Please...xD
    And yes Sec-chan you can give him some color pencils or turn a computer on for him...I hope you don't have Aarin as your homepage That would ruin everything!
  7. Secchii
    i...i cant make any promises =X not w/ that smexy guy hanging around~~~~~ hoho
  8. Kadaj_chan
    come on chonki!believe it!It is just a nice cafe` that has some OTHER requirements by accident...not that I picked there on purpose!you believe me,right? *tries to look innocent*
    Ok,back to the plot.after drinking some coffee and some using OTHER requirements,Idol-senpai was really worried about Kaname-Sama.he said though he is afraid of Kaname-Sama's anger he shall help for his freedom from the devil But first we gotta some how brain-wash Kaname-Sama to forget that *$#@! Yuuki for some time and don't come to interfere with the plot.... any suggestion how to brain-wash Kaname-Sama?
    @Secchii: Don't molest our Kaname-Sama!
  9. Chonki
    Sec-chan just don 't be too obvious withyour sexual harassment! We don;'t want to scare Kan-chan, we want to brain-wash him. BUT how to do this... Well we can go back to our old plan of making Night Class and other VK bishies harem. Maybe Kan-chan will be interested? Who knows?
    @Kadaj-chan I'll ask Idol about your matter later in his private chamber!
  10. Kadaj_chan
    @chonki: Idol's private chamber?who knows what may you do to him?

    old plan of making Night Class and other VK bishies harem?Good one...we can bring Rido-Sama in too
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