aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. katsbrainwarp
    sneeks some goodies too...Just can't help it.

    Chon & Sec Chan: I am so proud of the both of you. I never even though to trap people into coming .

    SerenityRose: That part threw me off to when I found about about Yuuki. And on top of it i cried when I found out she was his fiance.

    I promis all the new captives these 2 are harmless so please feel free to join in the group freely.
  2. Ethoani
    those goodies are irresistible
    Secchi, I'll steal them back when you least expect it
    that's a relief knowing they're harmless
  3. Secchii
    sneaky katsu!!! get back here~! xD
    so is your trip over?! (i have no sence of time so if im wrong..?)
    uwa! eto your sneaky too~! ill have to watch you like a hawk~
    and are we REALLY harmless? muwahaha dont feel TOO safe now!
  4. Chonki
    No, no, no but I'm really the good cop! Really! Believe me...*uke teary eyes*

    Katsu? You here?...
    Harmless...we? Ohhh yeah that's right! We are harmless NOW!
    Sec-chan I'll help you catch Eto
  5. Secchii
    chonkiiii~! my 'comraaad'~!!
    iv always wanted to play the bad cop atleast once~? so i guess this works out~ xD
  6. katsbrainwarp
    No I'm not back.` WE hit a port so I'm only on land for a few days with internet acess. But so glad I stoped in to meet all the new members and see the goodies.

    sneaks some more before I leave.
  7. katsbrainwarp
    Oh yea, just had to add that I'm all cought up on the VK manga and there's a new Nana chapter.
  8. Chonki
    New Nana chappy? Where?...I can't believe what Ai-sensei did to Ren

    Ahoy Katsu!
  9. Secchii
    awww well atleast u have that~! and yay~! you caught up~!
    what? something happened to ren? wish i could get into nana~
  10. Chonki
    Yep something terrible
    ...and where did our new members go?
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