aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. hiwatari
    welcome captive number 2, ethoani
    looks like we're not going anywhere any time soon^^,
    i wonder what you are planing to do with us now?
  2. Ethoani
    @hiwatari: yeah, we won't be going anywhere

    I think we'll be okay if we behave
  3. Chonki
    Aww trust me we are not going to do anything bad
    But look VK forum is alive again! *throws confetti*

    Serenity-chan! One more person!
  4. hiwatari
    i'm not so sure whether to trust you on this one, chonki
    are you sure you're not planing something evil?
  5. Secchii
    nihihi~! always suspected yuuki was a vampire xD anyways! welcome serenityrose~!
    -steals back the goodies from ethoani- muwahahaha
    lol hm~ i cant think of anything evil~
  6. Ethoani
    Serenityrose and I didn't like the ending to the 2nd season

    my goodies!!
  7. Secchii
    if your good maybe ill give one back~
  8. Chonki
    You're evil Sec-chan! Don't worry it's just a good cop and bad cop kind of game! I'm the good one I suppose
  9. hiwatari
    what a relief^^
    i've never seen the good cop having a whip though XD
  10. Secchii
    hah! you cant fool the genius hiwatari! you evil little chonki!
Results 351 to 360 of 1498