aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. Chonki
    And you know what! OK if you all like Zero that much it means that you have to share and I have Kan-chan just for myself!
  2. Chonki
    New Vampire Knight chappy is out! http://www.onemanga.com/Vampire_Knight/48/00a/

    I'm going to read it now....I hope something interesting happen!!
    The title is :"The wish of the Man with the Unrequited Love"...sounds good!
  3. Chonki
    Kyaaaa small Kan-chan!!...Kyaaaa he's so cute~! And then bigger...still cute and so weird xD! did I say that? ...
    Ruka? Touching my Kan-chan like this...? Unforgivable!
    That's not what I was expecting from the title...but still it was cute!

    Waaaah I just read that...NO...VK...IN...MARCH just some side story???
  4. Secchii
    o no way chonki~! we share kan-chama~! xDD
    noooo!!! u lie?!!! no vk?!!!! REALLY?!!! -faints-
    im going to shrival and blow away in the wind~~~ of which is insainly strong right now O.o;
  5. Werepire
    I LOVE VAMPIRE KNIGHT!!! Have to say, zero's my fav. So much angst!!!
  6. katsbrainwarp
    ANOTHER ZERO FAN....Wait that means one more person I have to share with
  7. Chonki
    Bwahahaha And I have Kan-chan for myself...
  8. Secchii
    nuuuuu~! meanie chonki~!!!
  9. Chonki
    Gomen...but you all talk about Zero and me and Kan-chan feel left behind...
    Not that we mind...
  10. Secchii
    iyaaa~!!! kanchama~!!!!! -tackles- i lurve him toooo~!!! im even trying to buy his bed sheets~! Dx
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