aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. Chonki

    ZERO X ICHIRUUUU <333 OMG that action was so gooooooood!!!
    But before Ichiru appeared Zero reached an ultimate limit in being emo....seriously that was sad and funny at the same time ...
    uuuu such a shame that the b!tch got hurt .... omg ...I'm so gonna cry ... NOT
    Ohh what a coincidence that Zero was visiting graves in the same cementer ...
    GOD SHE'S SO ANNOYIIIIIIINNGG!! I get the same conclusion after every VK chapter... And that new S kid is my fav since he told her the ruth about her that she's useless, stupid, powerless brat Love that kid!! <333
  2. KuroiTsuki
    Yeah, that's what I liked about the kid the most
    But DAMN!Zero-chan is so naughty!It's a SIN to look so beautiful when you're suffering!!!!And how Ichiru-chan puts his hand on Zero-chan's hand.....how he with all hugs and their lips so close... Damn I love them!!!!!!!
    But then again, THE B!TCH is freaking ANNOYING, DAMMIT!!!! She was able to spoil even those beautiful moments!!!!!WTF!!!!???? Why should my dear cutie Zero-chan suffer from meeting her??!!!!Why don't he and Kaname-sama 'accidentaly' meet instead!???
  3. Kadaj_chan
    new chapter = OMFG! Twincest!
    Ichiru-chan and Zero-chan were so close that they could kiss (and may be some more ) my heart was throbbing from pain when Zero-chan had fallen on Ichiru-chan's grave but when Ichiru-chan appeared suddenly and gave the material for twincest slashing I felt better

    I totally like that touma kid He is SO cool;seeing the true face of that b!tch and he wounded her too! I really can not understand how can that wh0ry be so useless and pathetic....for the love of God! she is a pureblood and she was standing there like some goldfish gaping .... and WTF? *not here,I don't want the peace of here to be disturbed?*
    she is SO stupid...in middle of a fight who thinks about peace of a cemetery?
    she is wounded now and I hope she dies and rot in hell
    P.S. Zero with that flower bouquet was so cute and handsome! *imagines Zero-chan holding a flower bouquet in his wedding with Kaname-sama *
  4. KuroiTsuki
    I also loved that Ichiru-chan's "I'm inside you..." part~ And AWWWWW how gently he touches Zero-chan's chin, puts his hand on his silky hair.....*It's not characteristical for me, but.....: Kyaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! * I totally love it!!!!!
    And mommy!I so love your words about Kaname-sama and Zero-chan's wedding!!!! It's like I reach a Heaven itself, imagining that~
    The WH0RE is unimaginably pathetic as always.No, seriously. What a pureblood??? Don't make me laugh.She has no niether that special atmosphere about herself, nor power And always needs someone's protection on top of that. Before it were only Kaname-sama and Zero-chan (and the Chairman), but now it's also Aidou and the rest who have to protect the stupid SLuT all the time as if she is some infant. WTF!!!?? Hell, Zero-chan, though not a pureblood, has more of that intimidating aura and freakish power than the stupid, useless WH0RY Highness!
  5. Kadaj_chan
    Ichiru-chan is so cute!
    *I am inside you*
    and I SO wish for Kaname-sama and Zero-chan's official wedding *starts dreaming*
    have you seen this Ichiru/Zero fan art by sagakure-chan based on the newest chapter?
    click here for Ichiru/Zero luff
  6. KuroiTsuki
    I have The day sagakure-chan placed it in her LJ
    Damn, I so can't wait Ichiru-chan's card in the iShop!Zero-chan needs him to accept himself!
    Love Kiryuucest
    Totally FOR Kaname-sama and Zero-chan's official wedding!!!!!!!Let me dream with you, mommy~
  7. charo
    @KuroiTsuki (i know pic is gone but i just saved it)
    thank you for provide this picture that kaname's hand on zero's hand! so sexy picture!
    DON'T FORGET THAT ZERO HOLDS KANAME'S WRIST!!!! THAT MEANS ZERO WON'T LET KANAME GO!! zero grabs kaname's wrist and says: "kaname! i won't let you go! you are mine! your blood drives me savage over you. i am your only beloved; no one else!"
  8. Kadaj_chan
    so,now that the talk is about Zero being wild for Kaname-sama's blood...have you seen newest fan art of sagakure-chan?

    Zero-chan and SO uke Kaname-sama
    I swear sagakure will kill me with her fan arts on of these days
  9. Zafire
    0.0 I wanna see that !!!!
  10. Kadaj_chan
    here is da link

    warning 18+ click here for hotness

    art by sagakure of course
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