aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. Kadaj_chan
    I wonder what will happen in the new chapter?
    I mean,already Sara has enrolled in the school for a lesbo thing and bi!chty is running around for shinigami playing...I wonder if Hino-sensei gives us more Kaname-sama and Rido-sama? apart from the slash material I want to know more of the secrets...I mean how Rido-sama managed to awaken Kaname-sama exactly...it is a secret still
    but the new chapter is going to be on character's private lives I think God forbid if it contains that wh0ry! I can not take more of that disgusting sugary kissing stupid stuff

  2. KuroiTsuki
    Ah....don't worry about it, mommy.I researched a little and was told that this damn chapter about private live will be not in LaLa magazine, but in the LaLa DX, the sister magazine of Lala.So I hope that the next chapter will be interesting and we'll know some more about our bishies (God forbid to ever see the WH0RE again!!!!! ), but I still pray that in the 'Private Live' bonus we won't see the FILTHY SLuT 'cos I really won't be able to bear with it and with other stupid kisses and hugs that make me feel damn SICK!!!!
  3. Kadaj_chan
    oh,it is not in LaLa itself?
    so,may be it would contain some more bishie slashing then but then again...I am worried that may be it will be an issue for showing off more of that wh0ry
  4. KuroiTsuki
    I understand your feelings, mommy, considering that I feel exactly the same...
    But let's hope for the best, shall we? Let's pray to the God, Jesus, Buddha, Allah, to ANYONE, dammit!!!! that we won't see the B!TCHY WH0RE in the next chapter in Lala itself
  5. Tisifone75
    I red today the new chapter, strange, very strange and....I hate yuki more and more...
  6. KuroiTsuki
    Damn, I LOVE YOU, fone-chan!!!!!!Way to go, dearest!!!!
    That B!TCH just MUST die!!!!
  7. Kadaj_chan
    Haha ....I have been to Sagakure-chan's LJ and there was some new fan arts
    Rido-sama/Kaname-sama clickie , click and beware of 18+
    Kaname-sama/Idol clickie
    so,for our mood getting better and forgetting the wh0y look at those arts ...fufufu...
  8. Chonki
    OHHH GOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bloody amazing <333 I loooove iiit!! OMG Rido-sama x Kaname-sama is so freaking hot!!

    Haha indeed my mood got a lot better~~~Hehe ... omg but just thinking about yet another story about b!tch's life makes me wanna
  9. Kadaj_chan
    isn't Rido-sama/Kaname-sama just the hottest thing EVAH?
  10. KuroiTsuki
    Aaaaaah!!!!!!Zero-chan is so DAMN HOT in the new chapter!!!!!!And his love for Ichiru-chan is such a sweet thing~
    But I hate the B!TCH more and more DAMMIT!!!!!!!Hell, why should that WH0RISH SL!T show up in each and every chapter???
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