aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. Kadaj_chan
    OH GOD! The new chapter will be out soon!
    and Miss will be there, playing shinigami
    grrrr.....Matsuri-sensei.....give us some Kaname-Sama/Zero-chan intimacy scenes !!!
  2. Chonki
    You just reminded me of the latest chaper in which miss shinigami kissed Kaname....OMG SO FILTHYYYYYY!!!!!!
    And yeah it's not like I can't wait for the new chappy....Id rather have it late or something...seriously...I read it only with hope for some smexin between the boys and 's death...not for kissing and emo Zero
  3. Kadaj_chan
    you are SO right!
    the thought of that b!tch touching bishies gives me creeps
  4. Chonki
    Ohhh yess the one that mommy posted recently with Ichiru as psycho!
    Annnnnd I already have 6 vols of VK in my house you know!! I'm longing to get my hands on 7th, 8th. And 9th is going to be out 10.02...they are even available on ebay...but I don't have credit card which is totally depressing
    Ohhh and my friend I turned her into a hardcore VK fan and hater...seriously I'm proud of myself!
  5. Kadaj_chan
    you have VK in your house?
    I am so jealous
    I can not get my hands on them EVER here
  6. Chonki
    Yes I do ... I might take a photo someday and post it to make you all jealous...nah not really I'm not that bad but having VK around is really handy...you can for example turn your friend into VK freak anytime you want
    But on the other hand all I have are vols of manga and would LOOOOVE to have some merchandise....like there was here once Sec-chan and she had one of those bed sheets with laying Kaname-sama or laying Zero...with those mega smexeh pics <3
  7. KuroiTsuki
    I have all 11 volumes, but sometimes it's a pure depression for me
    Though I can see my lovely bishies all the time
  8. Chonki
    YO ARE SO DAMN LUCKYYYY!!!! I wish to have all of them...or at least the 7th one which is the hottest among them...with the sucking scene and Rido-sama....and yet it's unavailable for me
  9. Kadaj_chan
    then what should I say that I have NOTHING?!
  10. Chonki

    Harem!Okaa-saaan !
    I'm sure someday it will be available for you!!
    Let's pray to Rido-sama for it!
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