aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. Kadaj_chan
    Holy hell! look at chibi Kaname-sama! He is so mature!he is reading VK book! *melts from the cuteness* and Idol! God is Kawaii!
    and the second one is just beyond HAWT! I am sure that they both are thinking : damn,just do with this photography session already!we want to jump each other!

    assassin-chan!I am sure that Rido-sama is so proud of you!
  2. Chonki
    OMGOMGOMG Kaname-sama in lion costume reading VK in chibi form>?? He looks so cute and mature and.....cuuuute~! And IDOL is looooove seriously he pwns them all....of course has to touch Zero right~?
  3. Sakurazukamory
    Tsuki-chan I love the pictures, thank you so much
  4. Kadaj_chan
    OMG ...L10 Kaname-sama is finally in the Ishop his noble face is so beautiful and shining there!
    but hell!why that wh0re girl is a L9?!
  5. Sakurazukamory
    Kaname-sama is so beautiful but I don't have the points to buy him
  6. Chonki
    OMG don't remind me of that b!tch and there are ppl who actually bought her~!!!!!!!
  7. Kadaj_chan
    yeah...and when I asked some of them why (I don't say who) they answered she is the queen of the Harem
    I mean WTF?!?
  8. KuroiTsuki
    WHAT THE DAMN FREAKING F*CK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????? ???????I'll freaking beat all the crap out of them if I ever know who they are, dammit!!!!!!Are they brainwashed or something?????!!!!!!How that SLUT can be queen!!!???????She is stupid, useless and worthless, DAMMIT!!!!!!All she does is going/running around making stupid fuss around herself with her 'oh-I'm so cutie' and can do nothing but piss the others off!!!!!!!!!
  9. Chonki
    .................................................. ............

    Queen of the Harem?

    You kidding? OMG like neveeeeeeeeeer!!!!!
  10. Kadaj_chan
    have you seen HOW many yuki cards are around the forum?!
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