aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. Chonki
    Oooopsie double post......
  2. Kadaj_chan
    may be in the next chapter we will have more of Zero-chan and yagari-sensei in hunter association...so we won't have to see the wh0re touching Kaname-sama's noble delicate skin
  3. KuroiTsuki
    Haaaah.... I'll agree to see ANYONE, as long as it's NOT THAT DAMN FREAKING F*CKING SLUTTY WH0RE!
    And Zero-chan....aaah~And if he is with Kaname-sama or Yagari-sensei~It's like a Heaven for me
    Please, Matsuri-sensei, I beg you on my knees at that HOT Thai day, let us forget about the STUPID SLUT at least for one chapter!!!! *crawling*
  4. katsbrainwarp
    Yeah I get to be back online for more than a month...have soo much to catch up on.
  5. Chonki
    Welcome back~~!
    oOhhh yeah we have a reason to throw a party now~!
  6. hiwatari
    oh, can i join in? i haven't been here for ages *extremely ashamed to have neglected the bishies for so long*
  7. Kadaj_chan
    @KATSU-CHAN! welcome back!
    @hiwatari: of course you can join in! every VK fan is welcomed
  8. Chonki
    *gets ready a dancing pole and armchair for Rido-sama*
    Now who shall entertain us tonight? Any suggestions?
  9. Kadaj_chan
    hmmm....may be Idol in a kitty outfit?
  10. Chonki
    Like Lulu? Awww I so agree and let's throw Shiki-tan there...you can't resist Shiki-tan!
Results 1141 to 1150 of 1498