aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Vampire Knight

  1. Kadaj_chan
    shiki-tan and Ichijou-senpai had just been together so we should wait for some Kaname-sama/Zero-chan sweetness too

    P.S.I just saw the new cards and re-stock updates thread.aarin-sama said that there shall be some new cards this week we can hope for more VK cards
  2. KuroiTsuki
    The HELL with the B!TCH! Why Matsuri-sensei loves that WH0RE so much??? Dammit
    I so wanna more new freshy sweetness of Kaname-sama an Zero's reunionMaybe she can make us happy and send the B!TCH out somewhere fro this only chapter?
    Haaaa~I know, it's impossible dream, but the whole thought about the new chapter makes me depressed with all that SL!T's damn freaking detective game!!!!!!

    P.S. Sooo looking forward to the new cards~And my points are so ready to be spent a little^^
  3. Kadaj_chan
    I really dunno why Matsuri-sensei loves that wh0re so much,but I am willing to bear with the presence of that wh0re IF she dies in a supposed sacrifice at the end and Kaname-sama and Zero-chan will be free to be together and re-united
  4. Chonki

    I hope she'll decide to sacrifice herself for the sake of love (not hers of course ....NO ONE HERE LOVES THAT DAMN WH0RE!!!)
    And new cards~! Let's pray to Rido-sama to influence Aarin-sama to make new , shiny VK cards!
  5. Kadaj_chan
    The love so great that bloom between Kaname-sama and Zero-chan
    (and we can have a VK card harem )
  6. KuroiTsuki
    Aaaah~I wanna new Kaname-sama card~And Rido-sama, and other's of course~I wonder what cards Aarin-sama prepared for us
  7. Kadaj_chan
    oh yeah...a new higher level Kaname-sama card may be a Level 9!
  8. Chonki
    OMG with droolable dark border? Suits him so freakin' well.....and I hope Aarin-sama will no make wh0re's card.....goooooood imagine her having higher lvl then Kaname-sama!
  9. Kadaj_chan
    OH...MY...FREAKIN'...GOD.. THAT WH0RE CARD!!! actually I have saw that some people wanted her for the Ishop....( Like the that Sakura!) but the idea of her being higher level than Kaname-sama is simply ....... OH...GOD...JUST NO!!!!!!!!!!
  10. KuroiTsuki
    THE WH0RE CARD!!!!!!??????????The HELL, YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!
    WTF????!!!That can't be....no....no...noooooonononono!!!!!!!That just CAN'T BE!!!!!!!!
    Okay, I can bear that DAMN stupid Sakura card since I don't even care about her,but....THAT SLuT!!!!!???????I'll DAMN BITE THOSE WHO OFFERED THE B!TCH'S CARD TO DEATH AND THEN KILL MYSELF WITH BLOODY ROSE IF THAT HELLISH JOKE COMES TRUE AND THE CARD APPEARS!!!!! They'll get it only with my (and their) dead bodies, DAMMIT!!!!!!!!Don't piss me over that, B!TCH!!!!!!!!!!!
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