aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Katekiyo Hitman Reborn!!!

  1. Tamaki
    6918 is my main pairing in KHR but at this point Ill take anything with 18 in it (minus 1827) I did just read 2 really good 1859 ficts 8D badass evilseme!hibari ftw!! But Hibari will always be the best uke to Mukuro >8D
  2. Fuji
    @Tamaki: (squee MukuHiba!!) I'm the same way with Mukuro. I'll take almost anyone with Mukuro, and even MukuroxTsuna if the plot is decent. ^^

    Ne, what about dinoxhiba? That's probably the most popular 18 pairing..

    @MiRiNHa: that makes sense, they do like to draw Tsuna looking like he is 10 years old in most doujinshi. :P I was ordering off of Yahoo Japan auctions the other day and asked a friend if she'd like to add anything in w/ my shipment. She sends me a link to naked kitty Tsuna looking at most 12. I replied, "... do you want me to get arrested for child pornography?" :P
  3. Tamaki
    @naikan: D18 is my 2nd fav pairing behind 6918 ^^ Actually D18 was my first KHR pairing since we meet Dino much sooner then Mukuro even though the training doesnt start til after the 6918 fight, Id known about the pairing thanks to a friend. D18 is probably the most popular pairing with Hibari in it. I think the most popular pairing in KHR (minus the explosion of 3827 and I guess Spanner's number is 38, not 48) is either 8059 or 5927.
  4. MiRiNHa
    I haven't been here in a while... Ok, so it was, like, 2~3 days... o.o I was sick. Time seems to go slow when you sick, you know, so you can enjoy pain. (Or, maybe, it's punishment and God is taking His time.) TT.TT
    So~ First things first

    @Tamaki:Hibari rules. Hibari means success in any kind of doujin/fic you find. So, fortunately, people like to play safe and put Hibari with someone (really, anyone XD). Now, you said: "1859 ficts 8D badass evilseme" if you know where you read them I'll have to beg you for a link. Please! *please, pay attention to my puppy dog eyes* Ok, so I like D18 a whole lot, too (Yes, I'm into shota, I'm going to hell, I know it already ). Surely is the most popular 18 pair. What can I say? Is probably Banyu's fault for doing those doujins. Ps.: I am NOT complaining.

    @naikan: You're new around here. o.o You joined group a couple of pages ago. XDD Funny comment, I know, it's just that I just noticed. ^^" *I am a very slow person* I hope you actually ordered the doujins for your friend, we wouldn't like her to be traumatized for the rest of her life. It's mean to say something like that... Just joking. XD I laughed when I read it. Sent her my "high-five", for we like the same sin. XD
  5. Fuji
    @Tamaki: D18 was my first pairing too!!! Except then all the doujinshi turned out really mushy... I was shocked that for a pairing that formed from beating each other bloody on a rooftop, they are all cuddly and fluffy in the doujinshi. *shock shock*

    @MiRiNHa: Yup I'm new lol!! That was really random. :P Aww hope you feel better. *sends cookies* Actually I didn't... ^^; It was not allowed by Rinkya who forbids using their services to bid on sexually explicit doujinshi which contain underage characters. ^^; I couldn't even buy MukuHiba- just TYLMukuxTYLHiba. *cries* I dunno, are we really harming these imaginary boys of KHR by drawing/viewing their chinchans in explicit glory? LOL (That reminds me, once in her shipment, she accidentally got a doujin of girl!Tsuna and it scarred her. D: )
  6. MiRiNHa
    @naikan: Sorry for the random comment. Usually the same users post here (me, nekogal, tamaki, jan...) So, I noticed you're new. XDD I'm a random person, so ignore it. ^^" Oh, and chinchan <-- OMG! Nobody ever put it like that to me! lol. XD I think I'll start using it... "chinchan" sounds cute. HAHAHAHAhahahaha

    So, I found a lot of SpannerTsuna pics. And I'll post it at the gallery because I know you guys "love" it. I found some really cute. XD I'll start uploading them after a finish with XanxusSquallo (if I ever finish). ^^" Any pairing you'd like to see? 'Cause if I find a cute pic I can upload for you guys. ^^" *Person who loves to share cute pics and fangirl over them* I have a problem, I know. >.>
  7. JANitor
    Ahahaha I knew it.
    Since its an all-Ryohei chapter, there hasn't been much buzz XD
    Cut him some slack, supatuna will be back don't worry BD
  8. Fuji
    Eh? Is there a new chapter out? *blinks*

    Heehee I hope to become more regular in the future. ^^ (Lol I would say "chin" but that might get confused with the English chin - ya know... smutty jaw and beard action. :O )
  9. MiRiNHa
    @JANitor: Your dreams have come true. A chapter full of TYL!Ryohei. An, man, that was good! /o/ I loved it! XD Ryohei made everyone :O
    Hahaha. But I still see some supatuna in a near future (or not .^^")

    @naikan: 188 is out. /o/ *mumbles* chinchan, hehehe, chinchan... XDD
  10. diablo neko
    diablo neko
    Ah man, its been forever since I've been here, hope I didn't miss out on too much =( Especially any smex *_*

    But I (finally) got caught up on Reborn (had to read 10 chapters!) and omg, TYL!Ryohei \o/ I bet JANitor's happy =D (And the kangaroo, whoa, she looked meaaaan XD)
    And I finally found out what "SupaTuna" was XD I was confused....until I read that chapter. And saw that he'd stripped Tsuna. And handcuffed him. And they're all alone. (And Spanner's kinda cool...) Man, Amano-sensei sure makes it easy for us fangirls <3 Not a fan of 27 pairings (so glad I'm not the only one, I'm always bummed at all the 692718 anthologies and such, cos I keep wanting to kick Tsuna out and have it just be Mukuro and Hibari XD) but this could be interesting~

    And I just saw a cover of an anthology I would LOVE to get, it was by Banyu and had Hibari with Dino AND MUKURO on either side of him =D~~ D1869 *__*
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