aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Katekiyo Hitman Reborn!!!

  1. Fuji

    ^it's for sale on Mandarake... the teasers are so teasing!!! Byakuran: "If it feels good, let your voice out more. You have no more power left, so the only thing you can do is cry out while I'm raping you." fdakl;fjs If I had money, I'd buy it.

    ..how is 48 spanner? shiha?... shiba?? *blinks blinks* I will never understand the number system. I only recognize 6918... :P and 27... the others just make me do a double take.

    Haha I guess I'm not a big fan of Spanner, that's why. ^^; He's not my type. *coughs* la la la~~~
  2. Tamaki
    Omg I Want That!!!!
  3. MiRiNHa
    @Tamaki: Thank you so much for the links. I love not worksafe stuff! /o/ Let's fangirl over 100's voice together~~! And I still don't know what "L vibes" mean... =.= (I must be really stupid, I bet is smth obvious) Oh, and jealous 59 is good no matter what! Hell yeah! ò.ó I love jealous 59!

    @naikan: if you stop and take some time do study it, you'll realize that most numbers makes some sense. I mean, who'd guess that fangirls could come up with such a smart system!? I for once was surprised when the numbers first appeared. One of these days I was actually imagining who'd be the uke in 96/100... I mean... I can't see 96 as an uke... but 100... Hard call.... >.>
  4. Fuji
    @MiRiNHa: Yup, I know Japanese, so I can see where most of the names come from if I take enough time to sound it out. Like 59... gokyuu.. goku... oh gokudera. But I dunno... I just don't really bother with it and when I see this huuuuge string of numbers on a post my eyes go crosseyed. ^^; I still don't get 48 as spanner... shiba turning into shipa to mean supa? ... *drops* and there's also which pronunciation of the number to use...? Like you use said 96/100 and the fandom calls 96 as Chrome.. but I can see how it fits muKURO too (as it does doKURO) so why is it 69 and not 696? Does 696 make you think rokuro? why is dokuro not 1096? :P "tou + ku + roku" ...so yeah I confuses me! :P *brain explodes and splats*

    ...btw Chrome would definitely top Byakuran. ;P I think she has it in her.

    @Tamaki: me too Hopefully someone will share it with us soon.~~~~
  5. MiRiNHa
    @naikan: my bad. It's me typing wrong again. It happens a lot. But mukuro is 69 indeed. XD I thought the numbers were quite complicated, but if you want to fangirl over khr is quite handy knowing all the numbers. (and, no, I don't kow all the numbers, just the good ones XD). But, please hang in there, don't let your brain explode!! *pick up the brain pieces and glue them together*
    Chrome would definitely top Byakuran. <-- LMAO. THat made my day. XDDDD
  6. Nnoilalala
    +MiRiNHa~ I dunno, it just annoys me.. Bad, Bad pairing. Spanner's too cool for it~ =./
    there BETTER other spanner pairings, like.. umm.. Ryohei/Spanner (they share the chapter!) oh! oh! and OBVIOUSLY Spanner/Lambo~ since lambo was mentioned X.D if spanner sounds anything like him, then that is gonna be one sexy sounding pair.

    and I'm not sure about the "L vibe" thing either but all I can make out of it is that L = DN's L?

    +naikan~ *high fives* I dislike Tsuna in every pairing too.. but it seems he is everywhere..

    *____* powerless raped mukuro is HOT!! <3
    but somehow it's like Mukuro should be with Hibari, even though I'm not into MukuHiba and totally ship Kusakabe/Hibari.
  7. JANitor
    KHR seems to be a pool of yaoi pairings, so the varieties are endless BD

    I only ignore Tsuna pairings, though that doesn't mean I dislike them.
    I read Ryo27 three weeks ago, just because. LOL it was excellenttt :'D

    surestsmile did alot of decent Ryo18s and mostly Ryohei related,
    so I was satisfied when she made my first Ryo27 read a nice one.

    Yeah L from Deathnote. The expression, tea, japan culture fan..
    actually from the moment I saw him sitting beside Tsuna, its so L-ish ahahahaha
  8. Tamaki
    I ignore Tsuna pairing too for the most part which is why I dont get why I like 4827 so much XD Mostly its for Spanner, he's just adorably creepy XD

    @Mir: I have a hard time seeing 69 as an uke too but considering the butt kicking he got from 100, I think he'd have to be the bottom XD Course that doesnt mean he'd play nice XD

    Omg Chrome topping Byakuran!! Id pay to see that!!! XDDDD
  9. Fuji
    Did someone mention MukuHiba? Lol

    MukuHibaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I love MukuHiba. It's my personal goal to infuse the English fandom with more scanlated MukuHiba doujinshi~~~~

    ...okay I better stop before I scare away everyone. ^^; I can see Mukuro as bottom quite easily because I don't really equate "taking it up the ass" with a submissive personality. I see Mukuro being uke because he wants to?? He likes that sex position?? I mean, he spends a decent amount of time in female bodies so he's probably a lot more openminded than others in terms of sexuality~~. LOL. But yeah agreed on the ass kicking by Byakuran. That was hot~~~ I wonder what's happened to him. *hearts*

    I'll give the Spanner/Tsuna pairing credit that it's probably not as mushy as some of the other pairings out there. They do pose an interesting dynamic, and Spanner's actions do make me really wtf. D: I think that's the main reason I don't read pairings w/ Tsuna because they tend to be really fluffy, and I prefer bloody violence?? ^^;

    (If Spanner's L... then who's Light? *is bricked* )
  10. MiRiNHa
    OTL *Epic Fail*
    I knew the "L vibes" was something really obvious.
    @JANitor: Thanks for telling me, Jan. And, of course you read Ryo27! Should I be surprise? After all there is "Ryo"... Haha

    So~ Seems like I'm minority around here. I don't dislike at all 27 pairings. o.o Maybe because I like shota? (I'm so going to hell) Well... As for Mukuro... I find hard to think of him as an uke, but you know what? If he were the uke, he'd totally be the "flaming uke". The one that ties down and rides (OMG, someone give him handcuffs!). He can do that with anyone he wants, but surely not with Byakuran.
    Byakuran kicked your ass, Mukuro, now you have to be his slave. hahahaHAHAHAHA. Funny how I like the idea.

    @nekogal: High-five for Kusakabe18
    @naikan: High-five for Mukuro18

    I don't dislike any pairings, I just enjoy everything Amano-sensei comes up with. She's a genius~ Such a good girl to us. XD (She fangirls over her own characters, I just know it &#242;.&#243
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