aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Katekiyo Hitman Reborn!!!

  1. JANitor
    I almost fav-ed every Ryohei picture you uploaded in the gallery LAWLLLSS
    I think I'm going Ryohei crazy today with all the dosage just now....

    As tempting it is to ask you about where you smuggled all the Ryohei related pictures from,
    at least tell me about this and this. The styles are really something :9
  2. MiRiNHa
    @Tamaki: No one looks better in the anime than in the manga. I'm completely unable to watch the anime because I always go: "Where is the hotness!?" And chap. 181.. Bad Tsuna~~ I want to see it. o.o

    @JANitor: I have so few friends who are crazy about Ryohei, that I was get a smile in my face when I read your comments. You're such a fan to the EXTREME that it contagious. I'm becoming a Ryohei freak because of you. XD

    @diablo neko & JANitor:
    we can all be happily pathetic together and go: "Colonello! =D~~"

    @diablo neko:
    I still don't understand the orange and gay purple you guys are talking about. TT.TT
  3. JANitor

    Its so nice that you think that wayyyyyyy, (kora!).. to tell you the truth, Goku was the reason I got into the series then at first I fangirled over Lambo and his character song. Now that I think about it, his baby form isn't any popular either. Then finally I hopped on Ryohei's empty bandwagon. I just can't believe that he is part of the main family and hasn't received enough lovveeeee T____________T

    The orange and purple thing is their names being highlighted in the magazine scan. So yeah, Ryohei's orange fufufufu....
  4. diablo neko
    diablo neko
    @MiRiNHa: Ya, like JANitor said, their names are highlighted in different colors. Their individual color (like Ryohei = orange) signify the color of their dying will flame =D
    And: Colonelloooooooo~~ =D~~~ XDDD (Dude, guys w/birds are hot, both he and Hibari have birds XP)
    And lol, I agree, JANitor's enthusiasm is so so contagious XDD I always go from this: to this: XD

    @JANitor: Okay, I retraced my steps (XP) and the first pic you mentioned comes from HERE and the second pic comes from HERE (and omg, I just noticed the front pg has a cu~ute valentine pic of Ryo18 and Ryohei has roses in his hair XD). And if you want to know how I found the sites, I looked at this search engine and clicked on 了平×雲雀 (^_^)b
    And Ryohei in that suit = RAWR. (And I hope I was right that that was Yamamoto, I kinda guessed...^^; )
  5. Tamaki
    @Mir: yeah I know the anime vers arent as great -_- but still I was hoping TYL!Hibari would be better. Course it was just a small pic so maybe when we actually see him itll be better. Gah I hope the anime doesnt kill sexy TYL!Mukuro....gah that man is beyond hot *_*
  6. JANitor
    @diablo: ... I... don't know their dying will flame colors... D: BUT NOW I DO. AND RYOHEI'S ORANGE. LIEK BOOYAHHHHH I LOVE RYOHEI LONG TIME. KEEP THOSE ENERGY UP GUIZEEEEE.

    No wonder. I use a different search engine.. a sucky one at that >.>
    The other is actually Takeshi, the senior who liked Kyoko on the first chapter :9
    Nghh.. need a translator for this LOL but I know his name starts with 了 :P
    STILL, thanks for the links 8D

    @Tamaki: Now that you mentioned about sexy TYL!Mukuro, I think we also have to keep a look out on their voices I mean COME ON, TYL. SEXY DEEP VOICES EVERYBODYYYY
  7. MiRiNHa
    @JANitor: I still fangirl over Lambo's character song. It's just too cute. =D~~ Oh and! Again, I can't agree more! I want sexy deep voices to the EXTREME!

    @JANitor & diablo neko: Thank you guys, I'd never have guessed. ^^"

    @Tamaki: The main reason I don't watch the anime: the sexyness! >.> It's not there like in the manga. But I understand your hopes, I hoped so much that Ryohei would show up in all his extreme hotness during the Varia (fighting Lussuria), you know, just like the manga? And I went: "Oh, okay" when I saw the episode. I'm almost hopeless now, they might look hot but they're nothing compared to their manga counterparts. TT.TT I can't imagine they ruining TYL!Mukuro. I hope they don't... >.>
  8. Tamaki
    I do like the seiyuu's in the anime though, Hibari's and Mukuro are so nice to listen to but the character design....ugh... I do like Tsuna's voice as well, reminds me of Ed a bit from FMA (though sadly it aint Romi Paku)
  9. JANitor
    Now imagine how the seiyuus need to twitch their voices for the TYL! counterparts ASLDKJSAKFHSKG
  10. diablo neko
    diablo neko
    @JANitor: >_< ugh, I knew that couldn't be Yamamoto, his hair is too big (this is what happens when I never read the earlier volumes ^^").
    And ya, 了平&#215;雲雀 is Ryohei x Hibari^^ (Awhile ago I, ah, looked up all the character's names to make it easier to remember and recognize >_>")

    I adore the voices for Hibari and Mukuro *__* That's one benefit of watching the anime--though, I watched the anime before reading the manga, so perhaps that's why I'm not as disgusted about it (tho' I am disappointed :/), but the earlier animation was terrible, if it wasn't for Hibari I might not have continued watching it.
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