My top ones... ^^ 1. 5927!!! I really really LOVE this pairing! ^^ I love fluffy pairings, and Gokudera is SO loyal to Tsuna and... aww... 2. 10051 - I don't know who to pair Byakuran with... (Because I adore 6996... XD) But with Shou-chan it's so cute and angsty. ^^ 3. 8018 - It's my friend's fault! XD She got me into it! XD But I'm glad. ^^ And somewhere between it is 6996, but it's not yaoi... XD (As for Colonello x Lal and Gamma x Uni... XD)
My favorite pairings are 6918 BelFran XS RebornxLambo 10069 spannerxsho 8018 I don't like Tsuna pairings...
XS (looooove XS) D18 1827 8059 Probably my favs but I love how you can pretty much pair up everyone, crack pairings are always amusing as well
I really don't know how got into R27 but its my favorite pairing and almost all tsu-chan pairings.
My favorite pair is Gokudera/Tsuna Yamamoto/Tsuna Squalo/Xanxus and as a really random crack pair Ryohei/Gokudera I'm not really picky, but I especially like these.
My favorite is YamaGoku <3
Hibari x Tsuna Forever
OH! My favorite pairings would have to be... TsunaxHibari (Tsuna and Hibari generally) TsunaxGokudera TsunaxYamamoto YamamotoxGokudera YamamotoxHibari ByakuranxMukuro ByakuranxShoichi(Byakuran in general) BelxFlanso love all of them...All the characters are so smexy.
My favorite pairings are.... YamamotoXGokudera This pairing is just too cute, they're like cat and dog xD HibariXTsuna BelXFran ByakuranXShoichi XansusXSqualo RebornXLambo DinoXHibari I love KHR
It's 1827, then G27. ;D Tsuna is the ultimate uke in Katekyo Hitman Reborn, seriously. <3