aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Kuroshitsuji fans

  1. simplyme
    Yay! I'm not alone here anymore
  2. flordepp
    Oh thanks for the invite!
    I'm obsessed with this anime
  3. SunlilyQ
    XD I have pics to add. Thanks for the link in the anime thread. They're hot XD
  4. SoraV
    Hello everybody! Glad to see there's a social group for this. And since I'm a shameless picture collector, I'll be sure to add some pics later! ^_^
  5. flordepp
    Man, Kuro's doujins are hot. I don't understand 1 word of what they are saying, so I just imagine and average uke-seme dialogue and drool at the sight of sebbyxCiel smutt xD
  6. simplyme
    Is there any good fanfiction? There are only 22 fics on fanfiction.net (and 170,000 for Naruto ).
  7. SoraV
    @simplyme: There aren't a lot, but I did find one that was pretty good for smut, if you like the SebastianxGrell pairing. But it does hint at SebastianxCiel in there, which I was happy for. x3 It's here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4653686/1/Vanity_Fair

    EDIT: Okay, I've added a couple pics. Hope you guys don't mind. If not I can take them off. ^^;;
  8. GenericWit
    Only 22? Gahhhh. I remember when I first started doing fanfiction for Harry Potter on fanfiction.net, there were only like 100 stories. LOLLL. Maybe it'll get more popular. I mean, I even got my anime-hating friends to watch it and like it.

    I think the most frequent comment is "... that little kid is creepy."


    " *shocked* are they gonna start... being gay and making out?"

    Okay, that last one was mainly aimed at the scene in, like, ep 2 or 3 *doesn't remember that far back* where Sebby gives Ciel the ring back.
  9. SecretlyCares
    I’m new
  10. cabbit_girl

    since the christmas season is starting i'm adding some festive pics
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