aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Hikaru no Go

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    Has anyone else noticed that in a lot of the dj's Akira is drawn to look like a girl? Whats that about!!! Grrr, if I wanted to see that I'd buy het!!!

    *edit* I've now corrected the spelling, daft typo's!!! ah well
  2. Mor7682
    I personally realy love that he looks feminin in the doujinshis

    I love his tenderness and softness and nobleness, and he does them even when he is the seme ^^
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    Yeah I suppose, dont get me wrong I like that he's cute as a seme but I also like the guys to look like/ act like guys (hence my enjoyment of bara ^^) There are some mangas that I cant read simply because one of the characters was depicted as such a girly boy that I felt that it was an insult to yaoi >.<
  4. Mor7682
    But yaoi is based on beautiful/femminin boys ^^
  5. Fuu Henjin
    Fuu Henjin
    Hello I'm new here... but ne fan of Hikaru no Go I have watched 3 times xDDDu and I don't get tired... and I agree with the most of you...

    AkiraxHikaru Rules!!! ... and yes... Akira is SEME!!! why people doesn't notice it?!!! *cries*
  6. Mor7682
    YAY Another one who sees the light! XD
    Did your read the manga?
    I've read it twice! ^^
    And watched the anime also 2 times XD
  7. Fuu Henjin
    Fuu Henjin
    I watched the anime... 3 times and read the manga twice .... with special included of course xDDDDDu
  8. Mor7682
    lol I salute you
    Did you read the 2 chapters of Summer Special?
    And Sai Manga?
    I have them if you like
  9. Fuu Henjin
    Fuu Henjin
    ! I didn't knew about them!! D: ... YES PLEASE!!!
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    another true believer hello Fuu Henjin *waves*
    @ Mor7682, beautifull guys = yes, fem guys = maybe when I'm in the mood for it but girly boys just start annoying me slightly becasue I start to think that really women in drag ... but thats a whole other issue
    I havn't finished the manga yet but I read as many djs as I can and I've never seen the anime *sobs* its not shown on tv where I am and I dont have the cash flow to buy it on dvd but some day ... *lives in hope*
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