aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Miss Voila

  1. hioca
    hummm you are right fully, we will have to travel at night to make sure that we dont over heat
  2. shinemoonmine
    *all of member lay on the sand and sleep And me lay next to my beloved onii-chan and wathch the moon and star warmly Smile*
    Onii-chan.. it's pretty.. you are my i'm the moon and you are my shine... If you are not with me... i will be Unusefull moon..
  3. hioca
    *smiles at you* you know that makes me the sun, i keep everyone warm and help plants grow ^__^ and you make sure that all the water is the way it should be, we have very improtant jobs fully *kisses your cheek than looks back at the sky* but as long as there is a sun there will be a moon and as long as there is a moon there will be a sun
  4. shinemoonmine
    Look At You give you warm smile then look to the shy whith the shining star and moon*
    you are right onii-chan.. You really are clover...
    Onii-chan...? What Is Your wish in your life..?
  5. hioca
    hummm *closes my eyes and feels the stars watching over us* i want a quite life with only my most dear family and friends, i want a small home that i can call my own. it will have little pot flowers on the windows and a small tree growing in one of the sunny couners, i want to live in a town that isnt to big * feels a cool wind go over us* and i want to live there with my favourt person in the whole world *looks at you and smiles* thats my wish in my life, how about you? whats your wish?
  6. shinemoonmine
    *when you wish there some shooting star come All Of.. Us feel happy*
    ONII-CHAN LOOK IT'S SHOOTSTAR Oww.. Your Wish Will Come true..
    *giggels And Look to the shy with my shining eye's* I Wanna Be With My Lover And Live Peacfull Life with Him/her.. And I Wanna alot baby live with me too I wanna them Fat.. they look so cute When they fat
  7. hioca
    *smiles at that* hmm well im glad they will come true
    *laughs softly* you want fat babies that will be cute but im worried that many people will want to pinch their cheeks ^___^ but i now that what ever you wish for it will come true ^_^ that is the power of the moon
  8. shinemoonmine
    >////< Owww. Yes.. Onii-chan.. they do that to me when i'm baby >////<
    But.. But.. I like It So Much..
  9. PurpleRain
    Hai everybody. Im all better now hehe. What did I miss?
  10. shinemoonmine
    come and lay with me and my onii-chan We are look to the pretty darck sky
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