aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. Stecher
    i am there too xD
    but i think that doesnt interest anyone xD
  2. Hinodechan
    i saw u there ^^ lol
  3. Hudbroza
    It WAS interesting!
    Stecher and I screamed at each other and the others were like... "huh... I dunno them?" *tüüütadüüüü*
    but it was nice!
  4. Stecher
    i could have been louder i think xD
  5. melon321
    lol what was it about? well sorryyyy my lazyness took over @__@.. and it seemed super hot outside :C
  6. Stecher
    it was about why girls like BL

    and someone on a con said that girls like it because the uke can have fun without becoming pregnant xD

    and i said it maybe could be so for some girls xD
    Unterbewusst halt

    and huddy was sure to disagree xD
  7. Elliiy
    i don't like BL cause the uke can't get pregnant wtf???
    who said that? a twelfe year old? XDDD

    i have to write it in german, cause i cant say it properly in nglish, sry XD
    ich amg BL weil ihc finde,d ass sehr oft in normalen gezegten beziehungen in medien blabal die frau einfach nur paar gehende loecher ist
    die meisten BL sachen (haha, 99,9%) sind ja von maedchen/frauen gemacht, und man merkt, dass die charaktere viel oefter gelcihberechtigt sind usw (auch wenn das uke/seme-klischee sehr sehr sehr festgefahren ist)
    wenn man sich nen normalen porno anschaut, dann ist das ja ein scherz -.- da vergeht einem ja alles

    and maybe girls like bl cause they can watch/read it, without having this in-charaktere-hineinversetzen-feeling, cause when there are two boys it's quite difficult
  8. Hudbroza
    well elliiy, that's the point (the last thing you said)!

    Thing is: on the Maco, there was a vortrag about yaoi/slash and akabeko said that some japanese social scientists (Sozialwissenschaftler) have written some articles with theses about why women like yaoi. one of the theories (from SCIENTISTS) said that we LIKE yaoi because we like watching an uke (receiving one) having fun without getting pregnant. and because we don't like to get pregnant, we like the (male) uke. --> therefore we like yaoi....
    erm... seriously I agree that it's harder to feel in character with a male character!
    IF (and that's my main point) we like to read about sexual relationships where noone gets preganant, why don't we read yuri!?!?

    Thing is... up until now, every girl/woman I told the theory said "what? how dumb and wrong?!?!". Whenever I discussed with a boy/man about the same theory, they meant "oh yes... that's logical!"
    Hell, I DON't WANT boys telling me what girls like!!!
    I'm a girl and I think it's ridiculous so don't tell me you know it better!
  9. Elliiy
    haha, i liked this part:
    "every girl/woman I told the theory said "what? how dumb and wrong?!?!". Whenever I discussed with a boy/man about the same theory, they meant "oh yes... that's logical!""

    maybe they wanted just to find a logical reason, so that their kollegen are also okay with the answer XD

    and whats with all the mpreg fanfics? I mean I really really dont like them, but there must be fans of it oO
    there the read-yuri-answer would be better XDDD

    but scientist...yeah...ever heared of Helmut Kentler? today i read something about him, thats really not amusing...(a quite popular paedophiler sexualforscher)
  10. melon321
    lol ic o_o ..
    i always thought girls like yaoi since they like boys and by having two boys its even better haha xD

    we should move that topic to the irritating oneeee
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