aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. melon321

    LOL I never wrote that D:< It was you!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by CryChicken
    I like BDSM <3<3<3

    Lol, but aren't there a big age difference between them? Atleast I thought xD
    and NO I am not talking about Beast LOL, I don't share your taste ):< I was talking about the guy with the weird red cutting thing, though the supersonic guy wasn't that bad either xD

    LOL not as romantic as X-men? xD *looks up pictures* OH that guy O: .. Maybe ima put it in my never-ending to-watch list >:
  2. CryChicken
    (Those are lies, I don't use triple <3's O:!!)

    Between Xavier & Erik? Not really? XD
    Beast is cool, ok, he's like very strong and cute and smart. He's got a nice body too, he just gotta shave... XD I knew you'd vote for the two Milchbubis. XD

    Come on, X-Men had lotsa fan service. Xavier/Erik, Darwin/Havok, Havok/Beast, Azazel/Riptide, hell even Shaw/Erik was obvious! XD Der Mandant on the other side was quite reserved. :<
  3. melon321
    I think you are reading too much into the stuff you see xD!

    Did anyone watch "1st Coffee Shop Prince"? The storyline is quite interesting and irritating and cute. It's hard to talk about it if I don't wanna spoil you. Hm.. though actually it's not a spoiler if I talk about the main plot I think xD?

    Also those private forums have spoilers disabled ):
  4. CryChicken
    And I think you are not giving them enough thoughts!

    I will only watch it if the guy ends up with a guy! D: But seriously, it's not as if the girl is that flat-chested. They touch each other a lot (from what I've seen on Youtube so far xD), the guy couldn't have been that oblivious to them. XD
  5. melon321
    Lol, but the girl is almost like a guy.. just female xD. She's using a super secret thing so her chest won't be noticed! Imo the girl actor is quite good (unless she's quite boyish IRL too but I don't think so xD) since she's acting uber guy-like. I have to admit that I thought she was a boy in the beginning xD
  6. CryChicken
    I just checked up on her and she actually played a lead role in Goong too. I haven't seen it either but it was quite popular. I wonder what super secret thing that is? XD

    I watched the super old movie My Own Private Idaho the other day. Keanu Reeves was still so young back then... Also melon, Is It Just Me is the kind you'll like. XD
  7. melon321
    Haha wow, it looks quite weird to me seeing her all .. girly dressed up xD. What super secret? lol

    Oh lol, I had to reread your sentence several times because I didn't notice you were talking about a movie title xD. Using " would be easier to read xD.
    Yeah I watched "My Own Private Idaho" too. It's quite.. weird, for my taste anyways xD. I think those kind of movies with a deeper meaning aren't quite the movies I enjoy haha. It's supposed to be quite good I heard xD.
    Lol how would you know that I will like it!! I will check it out anyways to make sure 8D
  8. Orovingwen
    you probably meant this list
    I think I have mentioned a few more along the lines. But I cannot add more now since I haven't seen a BL movie in quite a while. (shame on me) except Do Começo ao Fim (2009) - From Beginning to End. And Dance of the Vampires (1967), though it only has one gay vampire. a little gay-scene in Hangover (2009).

    From Beginning to End: wonderful portrait of their love. But I missed a bit a climax. I couldn't see what the story was. We see how (much) they love each other and that is all nice and beautiful but apart from that? Maybe I missed the point. Maybe they should have shown more of the parents uneasiness/helplessness. But over all a nice movie.
  9. CryChicken
    Ohooo The Brazilian movie sounds interesting. Taboo topics are intriguing. I watched the Tanz der Vampire movie after I've watched the musical, so I didn't enjoy it quite as much. XD

    melon, I'm asking you what super secret she's using to hide her chest! There is no use asking me that back. XD I thought it was obvious since all the words were capitalized. D; Yeah, Idaho was weird. It's kind of tragic but I didn't like the characters enough to feel sorry for them. The outcome was disappointing and sad still. :/
    Because it's totally sappy, and you're a sucker for those movies, aren't you. XD
  10. Hudbroza
    Was my link wrong?!?! Sorry, I'm quite inapt these last... months. DX
    I ignored the gay-scene in Hangover.... If this thread was about scenes, we'd have a lot to do/talk about... o_O (like one scene in "Ganz oder gar nicht" XD)
    Same with Tanz der Vampire.
    Did I ever ask you about the Jewish-Gay-love-taboo-movie?! I'm not sure if it was jewish, but it's not that old... I guess it was in the cinemas last year. Gnaaaaaargh, I never had the chance to watch it so I'm asking you whether you know anything about it... *___*
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