aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. Hudbroza
    lol, melon you really didn't check out his wiki. This picture of him alone told me more than I personally wanted to know. XD

    *prĂ¼des Seme-lein schleicht sich wieder*

    (yesh, you may "o_O" now :3)
  2. CryChicken
    He was probably to scared to check him out after watching the trailer, lol. XD

    Haha yes, he is all tough on the outside but really soft on the inside. ;D But he's the bara type, so maybe it's difficult to get people to like him just from one glance; unless you are into bara men of course.

    I think I'll just put it away, maybe sell it on eBay some day, it's still sealed. XD;
  3. CryChicken
    Just finished watching Yossi & Jagger. Good movie, touching and beautiful. Porn-free, just some kissing. XD
  4. melon321
    I usually don't wiki random actors. Though I'm quite interested to take a look at it later xD

    Aws 8D maybe I should check out some interviews as well <:

    You are making my to-watch list longer and longer xD
  5. CryChicken
    Me neither, but I have the bad habit of clicking links. XD I'd have bazillions of tabs from reading one Wiki article.

    You know what? He starred in Saw VI, no not as a zombie, lol. I don't like that series (lotsa brainless splatter imo) but now I've got a good reason to watch it. Maybe. XD Check out this and this, he's totally cute in these. And they are all so hilarious.

    Also add 'Juste une question d'amour' to your list, it's adorable. :] 2 good movies in one day, I'm all set for tomorrow's work. XD
  6. melon321
    Lol, I only do supa lots of tabbing when I'm browsing through pictures/blogs xD

    He did? xD Yea I don't like Saw at all. All bloody and gory @__@..
    Ah, well he's not my type xD. I guess I'm more into uhhh.. less muscle guys haha 8D But atleast he seems very funny xD

    Added omg. I gotta start watching them soon xD. AHA so you are watching movies at work!!
  7. CryChicken
    Picture tabbing? Never done that before. XD

    Mhmm I think Asian horror movies are better. They don't relie on blood and gore much, just lots of suspense and human primal fears. (wow, more offtopics XD)
    I see, so you are into twinks? Most of them are too young for my taste. XD But I do like a smooth, hairless body/face too. Though if I like someone for their characters, kann ich Abstriche beim Aussehen machen. XD

    I was not watching them at work, wtf?? XD I watched them to get motivation for work. ;D Not gonna recommend any more movies or your list will explode XD, but just saying that I watched Sascha & Beautiful Thing yesterday and the latter one is pretty cute. :3 XD
  8. melon321
    Yeah asian movies are quite scary @.@ .. thai movies are bloody/scary.. and bloody!! D:

    Hm.. I'm not sure what kind of type I like, but I share your opinion about the personality xD. We should move this topic to Interesting/Irritating maybe haha. (I noticed that -not-so-attractive- guys get more attractive if you get to know them better xD)

    LOL, I wonder what kind of work you do xD. No it's not exploding but getting endless xD /added-to-list
  9. CryChicken
    *cough Your whole post was offtopic */cough XDDDDD Oh wait the last sentence was on topic, lol... I don't know where to move all the offtopics to, there are too many of them everywhere. XD;;

    OT: So I watched a compilation titled Best Gay Shorts and I think you all should watch this. O: It's a shortened version of the already short movie. XD
  10. melon321
    Haha, it is a movie? I think it's actually a real website.. NOT LIKE I CHECKED IT OUT OR SOMETHING LOL.
    But yur, I am more willing to watch short movies :3 (even though I end up watching 2 hours instead @.@ which is not short at all xD)
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